I wasn't going to post but now I have to morally. ghostrek, are they bullying you about your mental health? That happened to me too actually pretty aggressively when they found out I see a counselor every month for the past 18 years and also have medications to help me deal with things. If people don't understand your problems ghostrek the best thing to do is return the ignorance by discrediting anything they say and don't be scared of a bully ever. Never be scared of a bully and if they have prejudice and won't see reality ignore ignore ignore. People are equal and you should be able to report that they take away from your ability to use and enjoy the site and moreover your entire life because of the limited viewpoint you are damned with because of bullying aholes. Please feel free to reach out to me I check my inbox weekly and sometimes daily.
Actually I have been experiencing problems with the email notifications recently. can anyone explain why quotes, replies, reputation, enabled in settings, don’t send email notifications lately?