i could have been more clear..
i had never played any of the kingdom hearts series. i was watching IGN replays on Pluto and saw Kingdom Hearts for PS4 and thought it looked
entertaining, packed with storyline and like a solid rpg. I decided with the strange coincidence of my having a PS2 here, and searching for games for it
to pass time and give me something to do, to look at the game to see if it would be a good fit.
I remember many times users here have mentioned it, gave it good opinions (which is pretty unusual for this site, last time that happened was someone suggested
Neverwinter to me, which was great until I couldnt level up, and it updated to a version I dont like anymore)... so I decided, over ten years now with some people
from this community, (Oh btw lots of people deserved to win the "most likely to be here in ten years" category of the old school year book, much to my surprise. i
really thought this community would have completely disbursed the first time i heard that!..) back to the point, ten years and not much to take away from all of
every damn thing and whatnot so I decided that me liking this game or not, would be attributed to the people here who used to give it good rep. that way its two
good memories if i like it.
so i made this thread to see for sure that people would suggest i played. then took their opinions, bought the game and now the anticipated reaction... dun! dun! dun!
i am playing one or two short missions per day, basically just save point to save point. im not very far along yet but I LIKE THE GAME.
i like the animation and how you feel like you are part of a cartoon... very cartoonish and imaginative...
i find it a little depressing because i am not young enough to enjoy it as much as I could.
i love Disney. and adventure games
the way you are grouped and you are a leader, the way theres always a little puzzle and wonder, the suspense if the next boss is going to be really hard to beat...
and you can be sure tomorrow will bring new adventures