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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. post mur
  2. okily dokily
  3. i still didnt get your handle? was this your name?
  4. this WAS my alt and my main got banned. sorry i dont feel like bringing it up
  5. anything normal? civilized? scrupulous or societally aware? sensitive and well thought out? no?
  6. you have to concentrate on less splashes. CONCENTRATE! and the splashes will go away.
  7. because looking at the arguments going on over there in rants, they are so much smarter than they were in babbling 10 years ago, its like the posters underwent some kind of... sciency brain expansion thingy. take it as a compliment, aging has done well for you arguers. still at each others throats, but like with a lot more conviction and linguistics! nice job
  8. no. fuck you. get your own fucking money you lazy-ass scuzzy
  9. are you really a politician?
  10. oh i am too late to add an opinion sorry 'bout that
  11. if they are per click no one would click them
  12. if there isnt a thread on it already somewhere. so it turns out the cdc backed down on vape warnings https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7900803/CDC-drops-warning-against-vaping-nicotine-adults.html but cities and jurisdictions are still considering strengthen bans because of appeal to teens the purpose of the post is celebratory in that vaping is not as dangerous as people suspected a few months ago. and what is your reaction? are you glad we found out from the medical community that upwards of 90% certainty, the scare was due to illegal THC cartridges? yipee
  13. i dont want to get a gang to start on me, been that way a lot of my life, but i'm taking the chance to talk to you, lasty. i remember in 2016 or 2017 i was worried about you because you were without a permanent home and posting in a library. i remember the time you were looking for a roommate on the boards. for me these few memories constitutes a friendship. that's called desperation. lol. listen bro, i'm sincerely glad you've made the choice to quit. it's hard to stay strong. i quit too. well honestly i have been having a cigarette here and there, i'd say definitely less than 1 per week. BUT, i vape. i vape all day everyday. not more than 10 minutes between vapes
  14. helicopter crash
  15. Otherwise you must assume Donald Trump does peyote
  16. No I’m kidding. Straight and narrow for me
  17. If so I will do as much peyote as possible in the upcoming election
  18. Does peyote kill the trolls?
  19. Fuck what’s left of the place
  20. Look down upon... never. Up in diss...
  21. srsly sweetheart i just need that old_old jpeg from the other time way back when
  22. all the old pics you sent me are on my banned account. please send new pics.
  23. How much does it actually damage your new coil if you cape too soon?
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