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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. What if he's been living a lie for the past 10 years?
  2. Oh no. I don't know if we should fuck around with a psychologist guys. What if he brings out my suppressed childhood memories?
  3. This is the craziest shit I've seen here in a long time.
  4. All The GOP Lawmakers Telling Trump To Drop Out After His Felony Conviction https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republican-lawmakers-donald-trump-guilty-verdict-resign_n_6658fafde4b08f9fa13ff7aa/amp
  5. Then there's the New York Post.
  6. Because we like seeing assholes get hit with justice. Also because now it's less likely that he'll be elected again(hopefully)
  7. I'd like to think Trump fell asleep in court again and is going to wake up in an orange jumpsuit.
  8. Ramen is Japanese style spaghetti.
  9. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/indiana-judge-rules-tacos-burritos-are-fact-sandwiches-rcna152611 The world really is going to hell.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/judge-tosses-trump-lawsuit-against-211556328.html Judge Tosses Trump’s Lawsuit Against NY Times, Orders Him to Pay All Legal Fees
  11. Another Michael Crichton book, Rising Sun. Didn't plan it this way but the used book store didn't have my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th choice. Also spoilers for The Lost World
  12. The only time I went there was after I was given a 50 dollar gift card. Still ended up paying 20 out of pocket.
  13. Clearly too far. Should have told him to dance in a river instead.
  14. I've seen plenty of videos of people randomly hitting others and I think that's most likely the case.
  15. ....Why? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/why-are-trump-supporters-wearing-diapers-to-his-rallies/ar-AA1o5gA5
  16. Would it be possible to sign into another linked Google service and update your number?
  17. Les Paul has a pretty big following so there's probably something to that. Never heard of the BMG but it does have a whammy if that's something you need. I would no means consider myself a good guitar player but I do like the action on my off brand Les Paul.
  18. In lighter news, Von Shitsinpants is now in court records. The history books are going to be fun for this one. https://news.yahoo.com/donald-von-shitzinpantz-diss-makes-175205642.html
  19. I'm sure this has probably occurred to some of you but I want to point something out. While arguing presidential immunity, Trump's layer claimed that he could have had a political opponent assassinated and it would have been an act under presidential duty. Trump is Biden's political opponent. Using his logic, Biden could have Trump assassinated and he would have immunity.
  20. EDIT: Decided to make this comment in another thread and I can't delete this.
  21. Speaking of that visit, turns out it was staged because of course it was. He also pays people to attend his..."rallies" https://apnews.com/article/trump-chick-fil-a-black-voters-d981e8edac067fa8912cc56c92d8b9ab Edit:Just realized how far back I was in this thread.
  22. Clearly the dog was just uncontrol oh wait. "The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is independent and easily distracted, but he is not a dominant dog and is quite responsive to obedience training that includes a calm voice and light hand." Ah, here we go. "I hated that dog," Noem reveals Pretty sure she's just a heartless idiot and did some mental gymnastics to somehow equate this to Old Yeller.
  23. Trumps pick for VP Kristi Noem admitted in a book that she killed her family's 14 month old puppy and then their goat immediately after. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/new-book-kristi-noem-writes-shooting-dog/story?id=109695091 Remember folks, it's easier to murder your problems away instead of investing in training....or leashes.
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