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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. There is no widespread effort to ban any of those things. A couple of restrictions yes, but ban, no. Even states that permit abortions still have limits and conditions. Late term typically is never done unless there's a medical emergency. A lot of the beef Republicans have regarding abortion stem from ignorance. The topic itself wasn't even an issue until the party decided to make it a wedge in the 70s. Hell, even the bible gives instructions on how to preform one so they can't even claim it's a position of their faith.
  2. Out of the 6 books I have read since HS, I guess 1984. I actually got fairly engrossed in it which is hard for me to do with books. Pride Prejudice and Zombies is a strong contender due the the silliness.
  3. Especially that dolphin with his forehead blowhole.
  4. Yeahhh, I'm going to give that a hard no.
  5. straw man: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. Also #forwardsfromgrandma
  6. It's amazing that it happened but let's be honest, Dave doesn't exactly have the best singing voice. But everybody had a good time.
  7. I heard they used the same cable for multiple models. The problem with that was that it didn't have any slack in the later model so it would come unplugged. Batteries are glued in which makes them a pain to replace. Apple also started soldering SSDs and RAM in place just for an extra FU.
  8. And yes I'm aware there's a music folder but dead folder is dead.
  10. They also have an issue with owning up to faulty products by either giving warranties that are basically useless or outright blaming the customer like in the case where they suggested people were holding the phones wrong.
  11. Waaaait. Was it you who asked how babby was formed?
  12. I'm guessing you're familiar with Louis Rossmann? I've watched quite a few of his videos and streams. Seem he's moving now and is giving the finger to New York.
  13. But you don't have to give them more business from here on out.
  14. What about a different phone? Can't you just use your old one for the garage band app? I ask this because I know of Apples history of shitting on their customers and would strongly recommend not giving them business.
  15. She's into necrophilia?
  16. Sieg67

    Tag You're It!

    "Tag, you're it" Say this if you ever accidentally rear end somebody.
  17. Baby Sharknado. "The world is do do do do do do doo DOOOOOMED"
  18. I've never had issue with eating crust but I'm also not a particularly picky eater. I also like those air pockets that sometimes appear on crusts. Don't know why.
  19. I don't know if he streams but he and I were in the chat on jezebelthenun's stream.
  20. That's genius. Best of both worlds.
  21. Blasphemy. Next you're going to tell me that making more cuts to get more slices doesn't equal more pizza. Because everyone knows 12 slices is more than 8. Basic maths. Follow up question: What color drink do you think tastes the best? I personally like the taste of blue.
  22. I don't even have a twitter.
  23. We're discussing which shape taste better. This is serious business.
  24. So why are they called Shiba-inu's? Inu just means dog.
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