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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. It's the Tucker Carlson way.
  2. Just to address a couple of things here. I may address more in the future when I feel like it. Christopher Miller was acting defense secretary at the time. Notice it says acting because Trump fired Mark Esper two days after Biden was projected the winner of the election. Trump was president at the time and Miller was acting defense secretary. The fact that he was trying to blame Nancy is both idiotic and a desperate attempt to shift blame. https://www.npr.org/2020/11/09/933105262/trump-terminates-secretary-of-defense-mark-esper The police didn't just invite the insurrectionist in. https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jan/07/ask-politifact-did-capitol-police-let-mob-trump-su/
  3. I heard a few years back that the US also does this with our presidents. Not that I wish that Putin is in good health.
  4. Sieg67

    page 17

    So spy style? Leave it in a remote location and have somebody else pick it up? Edit: Just notice it says applicant and not application. So like a hostage situation.
  5. Unless they actually believe they're the character they're cosplaying of, not delusional. Them furries though... 😛
  6. The 30's? That's 8 years away.
  7. Oh yeah, you just sit your bowl of cereal on the top of the tank and chow down when you're having your morning poop.
  8. I watched a video explaining the dangers of putting Bengay on your testicles. The skin is much thinner on the scrotum so it got introduced to the bloodstream in higher volume than normal. Should be fine if it's not a gaping open cut, though.
  9. I've seen people concrete their yard. Not sure if they do this to avoid yard work or so they can park wherever they want.
  10. Kinda like cleaning. Not that I care to do it but the results make me happy. Also hard to stop once I start.
  11. Right, and I don't even have a cat.
  12. Should have tried these things sooner. Everything looks so bright and clean.
  13. "Newsmax" Yeah, that makes sense.
  14. Not even going to bust out the RIF spray?
  15. Sieg67


    Pink, blue, purple. Blue can be used to easily learn languages.
  17. Preferably a song with lots of trumpets.
  18. I find the best way out of an embarrassing situation is just to address it. "That was not a fart, it was just my back fat." "This is why bare skin and mats don't mix" "Oh shit, backwards. This is why my mom normally dresses me." Have a laugh and brush it off.
  19. I'm skeptical of the whole 3 months thing but imagine if cancer stopped a war.
  20. Starting to look more promising. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-putin-treated-cancer-april-us-intelligence-report-says-1710357
  21. I'll buy the movie when it comes out of disc.
  22. https://news.yahoo.com/putin-cancer-ukraine-intelligence-chief-russia-164929127.html
  23. Redlettermedia gave it a thumbs up and I trust their judgement.
  24. I bet you were the coolest kid in school after that.
  25. I once made a blind backwards 3-pointer. I'm still riding that high.
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