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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. My Hero Academia 230 One Piece 944
  2. Sarazanmai 8 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 32
  3. Someone tried to pull this where I worked. She told four different supervisors someone was spraying perfume and it made her sick and then lied to HR that they told her to just live with it. She got fired. Karma is a bitch.
  4. Dororo 20 The Rising of the Shield Hero 21 Attack on Titan S3 Part 2 5
  5. As someone who has finally caught up on AoT, I can say that Levi ramming a sword through Reiner's neck while they fall off a wall is my kink.
  6. Rose are red Violets are blue Bakugo goes to bed at 8:32
  7. The Rising of the Shield Hero 20 Sarazanmai 7 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 31 Fruits Basket (2019) 8 Dororo 19
  8. Sorry I wasn't trying to be funny. Next time I'll preface all my serious points with "not a joke" so you know. I never said no one should watch Toonami... I said Toonami is kind of pointless in this day and age just like most of television in general outside of sports. Worrying about ratings in 2019 is pointless. They are never going to be higher because even casual viewers are shifting to delayed viewing either through DVR use, on demand access, or streaming services. Neilson ratings are on their deathbed and my point was also more to the fact that Toonami doesn't even try anymore. They let Crunchyroll and Funimation do all of the work for them while not attempting to bring anything that would draw ratings. They don't have the power to pull a Netflix jail to let something like this season of AoT that's about to start have it's world premiere on Toonami. Hell they aren't even attempting to work on even doing another simulpremiere like they did with Space Dandy. Instead they pump money into two truly terrible seasons of FLCL and a bunch shows that anime fans have seen with a schedule that can change at the drop of a hat with no real incentive to watch live. Also you can fuck right the fuck off in regards to my profanity.
  9. Attack on Titan S3 Part 2 1 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1-2 Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun 1
  10. Why in the actual goddamn fuck would I want to stay up late on a Saturday night to watch a handful of shows that have been legally available to watch for weeks, months, and in some cases actual years? If HBO put new episodes of Game of Thrones on HBOGo and then waited a month to premiere them on their broadcast channel do you think anyone would be gathered around their TV on Sunday night for that? TV ratings are down across the board outside of sporting events. The way people watch TV has changed drastically and anime is no different. No one needs Toonami anymore.
  11. Mob Psycho 100 9-12 [END] Attack on Titan S3 9-12 [END] Yuri!!! on Ice 9-12 [END] Kimetsu no Kaiba 7 Gintama 51-52
  12. Sarazanmai 6 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 30 Fruits Basket (2019) 7
  13. The Rising of the Shield Hero 19 Dororo 18
  14. Holy shit the Vampiric Counsel. Fucking perfection. Not only Vlad, Deacon, and Viago, but of course Paul Reubens is a vampire and everyone who ever played a vampire is a vampire and Wesley Snipes is a goddamn daywalker and TILDA.
  15. Nezuko has a very specific set of skills. They mostly involve kicking demons just right in the goddamn face.
  16. This show's evolution into a garbage fire is complete.
  17. One of All Might's secrets is out of the bag and now he can commit to being the walking skeleton of my dreams.
  18. Bringing Up Baby Clue Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Sleeping Beauty
  19. Attack on Titan S3 7-8
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