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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Ttly. And Kudasai's pic reminds me of a pic of me when i was three. Just looking excited to be alive.
  2. How does a child manage to look like she'll cuss you out?
  3. I knooooooow.
  4. The cali chick? Right on dude, if it feels right it just might be.
  5. Totz gay. Sigh.
  6. And wish i was lying next to someone right now. Sigh.
  7. What the fuck are you talking about. Period indicating i don't care.
  8. RainyDayJizz#35


  9. Ant wars are the shit. They look like a rugby scrum. And then there are others carrying off the dead to eat. Ants fucking rule.
  10. Open your mind....
  11. Noms. I need to find a community garden here. You can grow everything in cali.
  12. You were a cute baby. I was too. My mom got lucky and didnt have Quato looking children.
  13. Cool. I'll be in my underwear on someone else's furniture.
  14. You look worse with makeup. Good job.
  15. No one listens to anything you say because you're an idiot.
  16. I'm not sure how I would weather greying... I might have hair down to my back. There's something about aging I really enjoy. I still debate the George Carlin in my head because I just fucking hate cutting my hair.
  17. We are all so old now.
  18. My current pants are legs! But I always wear jeans.
  19. The argument is really that every human deserves to eat and have a home.
  20. But I'm not even from California.
  21. Yeah right. No generation has power until they qualify to be in the nursing home.
  22. That part is gonna be weird. The people that feel like earning is a given... It will be an interesting clash to see in 20 years.
  23. The social developments will be intriguing. I feel like the generation that Beavis and Butthead was talking to can accomplish something.
  24. Old women with yellow and green hair. Not blonde, yellow. These people are going to have control soon.
  25. I was born on the generational cusp but I claim Gen X because it makes me feel like a member of the X-Men.
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