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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty

    MTG Arena...

    It's not a very diverse play environment... Everyone either has a bunch of creatures, or a deck filled with hate cards. It's not interesting when the available cards dictate that basically only two deck types are viable. I don't like black or red, try to avoid them. Too aggro. My infinite turn deck is green blue. Green has some life gain, and I use polymorph enchantments with blue. Bounce might help, if I draw it. Maybe I should splash white for boardwipe... I'm building a whole new deck at that point though.
  2. I know. It sucks about his house.
  3. Lasty

    MTG Arena...

    It wouldn't be too slow if crawlspace was a thing. I have this infinite turn deck that has a hard time with this in particular. I see goblins or some shiz like that, I concede immediately
  4. Lasty

    MTG Arena...

    I have a variety of decks that have this issue, and none of them are white because board wipe + life gain solves that problem.
  5. Obviously plotting to kill you. Burn down your house, move, and hope your cat doesn't survive and find you...
  6. Welcome, to you and your shit
  7. Blue Jays display communal nesting behavior, with non-breeding individuals assisting in nest building before eggs are even laid, and maintaining the nest and young after they hatch. They're very territorial, and I love the way they move and the noises they make....
  8. Bail on your party and come to mine, but don't talk to anyone. Just be a +1. Bring your own snacks.
  9. Also, throw a brick at a cop.
  10. Perhaps. This one is called "Dobbie"... If I could have a pack of dogs from puppyhood, they'd all be named after musical things and stuff and peoples.
  11. Lasty

    MTG Arena...

    Historic. Bontu's Last Reckoning, but I rarely make decks with black...
  12. Lasty

    MTG Arena...

    Problem: I have no monies
  13. Anyone know of a one card solution to early game creature rush available on Arena? They need to put crawlspace on there, or something. A lot of my decks won't work if I take out a bunch of cards to make room for blockers, and I'm sick of not really getting to use them at all.
  14. I did not say "The only way". Please go back and double check that. Point here is, if you survive one, be sure the people you're with are rebuilding sustainably, since you would have that opportunity. It's funny how I'm so good at finding silver linings, but I suck at pointing them out. Or maybe other people are just that bad at seeing them? ppl all like "No, that's a storm cloud, idiot" -__-
  15. Yes, it would suck, in all the ways you're imagining, AND it would drastically cut our carbon emissions, give the people left a chance to rebuild sustainably.
  16. I'm not advocating for it, just to be clear.
  17. NOPE. It's just Chuck Testa
  18. Hope you'll be okay. IB was good times and you were always chill. Remember making this avatar? <---
  19. Is it, or do you just suck at it and need alcohol to pretend?
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