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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. What've ye been up to? Take down any space pirates?
  2. Yeah, I think remember a couple of those. Vaguely.... My mind could be playing tricks on me
  3. I can understand the lint; it's delicious, but my crumbs?
  4. Nothing to be sorry about. Unless you keep hiding my couch lint & crumbs...
  5. I TOTALLY AGREE (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  6. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to keep making reasonable requests!
  7. 9001% nostalgiagasm. I want to thank everyone for being here, and for all the work that is done to maintain the site so we can be. This community has gotten me through some rough and strange times. ありがとう
  8. *climbs Mt. Everest naked, screams* I am totally acceptable!!
  9. [insert questionable awesomeness]
  10. Bots is the most likely explanation, and this begs the question; why for bots?
  11. That being unlikely doesn't make it any less weird.
  12. Maybe they're just shy? Maybe... they're collecting data because we're awesome? ...Maybe I'm grasping at straws trying to avoid feeling a little creeped out...
  13. I don't have money to waste! HA!
  14. Like, this is always a couple HUNDRED "guests". o_O
  15. If you go to the great divide, finish upgrading Ed-E, then use console commands to teleport back to the main map... Ed-E is still there with you! And guess what? This does not prohibit the inclusion of the other Ed-E in your party, so you can have two eyebots.... I figured this out because I had gotten sick of the Divide and didn't feel like making my way back to the proper passage, then I was like... wtf, Ed-E is still here....
  16. The guests that lurk uneven edge far outnumber actual logged in posters? Like, always? wtf is the appeal, there? o_O weird
  17. Being O.P. is useless when you look that dumb! NO MORE CANNONS! x_x
  18. You.... NEED... to go play the old gameboy games. Seriously, you're missing out, it's quintessential to the Pokemon experience.
  19. I'm not going to deny that Squirtle gives you an advantage strategically. That doesn't outweigh the ridiculousness of those cannons.
  20. Blastoise's original concept did not have those stupid cannons. It ruined an otherwise awesome pokemon. I would love to see a canonical version lacking those cannons. It could move way faster and not be able to learn higher tier water type moves...
  21. Can you use your considerable mod powers to get my cards back?
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