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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. No idea what you're talking about
  2. nah. That wasn't even a full bodied paragraph.
  3. >,< people are cancelled
  4. Why is everyone tagging eachother today? o_O
  5. I've been in a sour mood for a month or so. >_> I do love my sister... It's just frustrating.
  6. You don't get commiseration in there, only more ranting. At least that's how it was on asmb, haven't checked here. I'm assuming it's the same, not worth the risk to check.
  7. I dunno about sacrifices but everything else sounds great.
  8. Yeah, and there should really only be a handful of times per lifetime.
  9. Popeye the sailor moon... dyslexia is fun
  10. We need this.
  11. True. But... pervert = creep? Not necessarily. You can be a pervert and an awesome guy at the same time. You just have to have an incentive to withhold your perversions for appropriate intervals. owo
  12. and you want to punish your daughter for acting up like that? She thinks she can do whatever she wants, she can't cope with being apart from you for five seconds... My niece is well on the way to developing co-dependant relationships and it's painful for me to watch without being able to do anything. My half sister is borderline retarded. She has no skills, she's lazy as fuck and thinks some dude is going to take care of everything for her because she has a vagina. I'm staying here to get out of the cold for now. Stressssssss
  13. Mine is this september... v__v
  14. No.... No. I mean, untied tubes, t's crossed and i's dotted, I love you and want to grow old with you, let's make a baby, sex.
  15. "Let's make a baby" sex > "Let's not make a baby" sex
  16. Do you love him ? >_>
  17. Hmmm I'm just about at that point but the only person here I would possibly be interested in I know of is definitely married already... >_>
  18. Victory is mine
  19. The dude in the background checking out flute guy
  20. Those were fun times... > owo -_'
  21. I used to have a cat and a rooster as a kid. They strght up murdrd each other. Most epic fight I have ever seen.
  22. So, you started with everything different, and after you named this folder you made everything else the same.
  23. No more resolutions!
  24. Your mom
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