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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. No, those are coming out of all the holes in your head @_@
  2. I thought that was where we were keeping the cotton candy to build our benevolent emprorer pandas palisade later
  3. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

    It's fitting of the Last_Words legacy
  4. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

    Why would you do anything on a date? They taste so gross, only old people eat them.
  5. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

    Your marked lack of enthusiasm is disconcerting. That was a rhetorical question and you were supposed to be all "F**K YEAH SMORES ARE GRATE* I need time to think about this,...
  6. The ones who don't derail threads?! ... Oh wait... it was about madness anyhow. Nevermind.
  7. Lasty

    Okay, I'm done.

    Have a good one. 'till next time
  8. O_O
  9. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

    Hello, panda. Do you like smores?
  10. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

    Yes, it does. I MAKE EVERYTHING LOOK GOOD At least I still have that.
  11. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

  12. Fashionably late... Mewn[/member]
  13. Admin[/member] Are we abusing the system? Is this freedom fighting or heedless mischief making? Am I just a big phony? Can you believe it's not butter?!
  14. Lasty

    Hey I'm red

  15. *gets excited and trips... like into a pie or something, I'm not on point tonight*
  16. Rad. Mewn[/member] StarPanda[/member] meo[/member] Bouvre[/member] MEXobiologist[/member] 420pooh4u[/member] @molarbear @BloodHawk1991
  17. When did I leave you down? D: At least I'm not nasty...
  18. Who wouldn't? Mewn[/member] I got my eyes on you. >_> shaddap owo
  19. @DarksidexXx ...
  20. I see how it is
  21. StarPanda[/member] Did I do it right? Is this how it works. I haven't been tagging and I felt left out
  22. ... to dinner? >,>
  23. <,<;
  24. You guys are my home away from not having a home. <3
  25. I don't care who started it! I will turn this car around and you can wait until next year for Disneyland...
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