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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. When are they getting married, I want to crash the wedding.
  2. Wait, really? ;
  3. Lasty

    *faps loudly*

  4. Where's a TrigunBebop when you need one?
  5. I am in a vulgar mood tonight -_'
  6. Lasty


    You can go climb a wall of dicks with nothing but your mouth and asshole, and I hope you have a great time, but it's not my problem. We need this. I need this.... Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams. </3
  7. I've been an aspiring rock star since I was like, 7. So, 22 years now. I've made a fair deal of progress in just the last couple of years. Fruit that's not quite ripe for the market, as opposed to all that time I spent waiting for flowers to even start budding.
  8. Not before molar has had his coffee!! >
  9. Elaborate? >,>;
  10. Lasty


    It wouldn't be any fun if everyone liked it... >____________________>;
  11. Lasty


  12. Lasty


    Yea... I know. It's the end of an era
  13. Lasty


    This is the petition?
  14. Only one way to find out. ;D
  15. lol I like how you guys think >
  16. My lap is pretty comfy >_>;
  17. You can fold it how ever you want, but all those potential shapes come from the same piece of paper. The entirety of what is referred to as the multi-verse is actually the same object, "folded" up differently. Only one point in space and time... Separation is an illusion... Whatever you're looking at... is actually a part of you. or some contrived, pretentious naive hippie bullshit like that. ^__^ <3
  18. lol
  19. names underwear after board members
  20. Lasty


    It was more like a pyramid, and it was the best scheme I've ever seen.
  21. Spiffy
  22. Can any human being ultimately achieve anything better than a rough approximation of anything?
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