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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. let me know if it dries your lips out terribly most of those long lasting lip colors do a number on my puckers
  2. that.... is like the greatest thing anyone has ever said... i think. your imagination and creativity gets +100 but yeah, the booty stuff isn't really an every day kinda thing. its more like a special treat cuz well, the feels are real good but it shouldn't be spoiled imo. definitely not for all people though... like a lot of sexy time stuffs. like one thing that freaks me out is asphyxiation. if you actually cut off my air supply, you're gonna get hurt cuz i will panic and attack >
  3. it was me i was hoping you would notice </3
  4. how am i supposed to look at potatoes the same after this?
  5. well, its no saliva heavy toe suckin gif, thats for sure
  6. anything real heavy in humor, drama, or crazy heavy esoteric stuffs usually suffers the most. i've admittedly never watched subbed shinchan before but i've heard the same from others >.>
  7. well, i can't say i know much about the franchise because i haven't really watched since i was a young teenager and it was all dub on CN anyways, but i know the feels. there have been plenty of times i've been forced to switch from one or the other because some characters voice was completely intolerable. it always seems the worst when its some female doing a young males voice v.v
  8. i'm not sure where you're going with that but i know i like the way your mind works <3
  9. i think this thread will come unhinged without my help
  10. thats the thing though, are they fetishes if its normal? i have some things that could be thrown in there but when i think of out there fetishes... i don't know that i really have any or maybe my perception is skewed and they really are of that caliber, i simply know not >.>
  11. don't forget the garbage bags this could get messy
  12. i loved mandatory nap time why only preschools get nap time, huh? adults need rest too!
  13. Ohhhhh I like this game! An aluminum life size replica of... Bea Arthur!
  14. questions like this make me anxious and unsure of myself
  15. its still too early for that
  16. .... is now curious >.>
  17. i prefer subs a lot of times i think vital sentiment is lost in dub versions... not all, but a lot
  18. their fake meat doesn't count? balls busted
  19. right! > the pool hall i hung out in was always a lil sketchy but not too bad. like, they let us smoke in there under age, sold us smokes, there were pimps who shot in there, and people smoked pot after hours. once there was a raid and we all had to lie on the ground. that wasn't so surprising as the owners were trafficking lots of shitty dirt weed from mexico.... but not through the pool hall and the husband took the fall so the wife kept the business going. couple years after that it got real fucky though. people were doing cocaine pretty boldly out in the open, lots of pills, and then some people were getting into heroin and meth. some of them are dead now. i'm glad i stopped hanging around when i did.
  20. everybody likes fried chicken
  21. i am basically samezies and have no real intention of behaving in a manner that has me perceived as a person i am not.
  22. not anymore really. i used to though. i started hanging out in a pool hall daily around 16 and then when i turned 18, i shot leagues for about 3 years. i just sort of stopped playing shortly after cuz i wanted to avoid places my ex was at. it didn't really help that some of the people i hung out and shot with got into some sketchy hard drug shit... like heroin and a few others that i wanted no part of or being around >.> once in a while i play when i'm at a bar but its been about 10-11 years since i played regularly, so i just get frustrated after a few games. my bank shots, draws, and masses are almost always off. i can't jump to save my life. plus its pretty hard for me to remember i'm playing bar rules and not league rules when i've been drinking v.v
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