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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. how do you know whether or not he has caught anything when hes out tho? 0.o does he bring it all home?
  2. my cats used to just scratch at the front door to go in or out. we tried setting up an actual bell for them to hit so they wouldn't scratch but that didn't work. we just put on those metal kick plates, or whatever they're called, and let them have at it.
  3. Ohhhhhh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! does this mean we get to have a dance party? you know i love dance parties.
  4. at least you come back to check on dinner
  5. woah.... even if you paid a bit less... O_O mine was only 380 something after sale price with tax, its a craftsman something or another >.> it does alright until the lake effect snow comes in strong. a few days of constant snow like that and the wet heavy stuff just compacts enough and hardens so that the blower simply rolls over it. still use it sometimes, but i find that in the thick of it, my shoveling still does it best. the downside is feeling like i took a tumble down 500 stairs after and can't feel my extremities.
  6. when it does finally decide to continuously snow and pile up, lemme know what you think about your purchase. i found mine was a waste mostly. unless i could stay on top of it like every 5 hours or so, the stuff that collected and hardened to near ice underneath was still better taken care of with a shovel.
  7. why you think that?
  8. that would be very painful sir
  9. Ty
  10. I dunno >.> You're the one who wanted to talk about him in the first. So I guess thats up to you dear. Go with what your heart says.
  11. You... you get to miss work because of bad snow days? jelly...
  12. would there even be anyone left?
  13. not now mom, just ten more minutes okay!?. I promise I wont miss the bus again.
  14. i'm fairly certain the porn never slows there
  15. i'm terribru. see now, i don't pick up those kinds of things quickly and i just get angry when i get hurt. after a couple winters of trying i said fuck it. it certainly didn't help that i only found out AFTER the first season that i should ride goofy footed v.v if i don't find a decent new occupation by next winter though, i'll be finding one and moving to Denver since thats where my second largest support group and friends live. cuz errrrrrrbody from Michigan moves there... no joke. and also, i've been offered potential jobs making almost double what i do now for zero experience... just cuz of knowing the right people. so if that ever happens, i'll have to tough through it and figure that shit out because i'll be lonely af for half the year. lol. in general tho.... EETS TOO COOOOOOOLD! haha
  16. i read once that cats who suck on blankets n such do so because they were weaned too early. i'm suspecting a little of that with Rick too because he suckles at the air a lot when he sleeps.
  17. so you haven't used the harness outside yet?
  18. aminals man, they do weird things. tinfoil seems weird to me because usually animals like it. i mean, you can make balls out of it >.>
  19. i can't really say for the best, i've had so very many that i love and i certainly can't remember the names i can say that cotswold and cheddar with caramelized onions are two they generally have (the cheese option changes frequently) and that i hate. i've found i do not want onion flavor in my cheese, at all, no bueno.
  20. i think so? never met the owner. she has 6 locations in MI and i just happen to be lucky enough to be by one
  21. i think it would be different if i enjoyed winter sports. snowboarding was a total fail for me >.< sometimes if it gets sunny out, i will go out in my snowshoes at the state park because it certainly is pretty and i miss the parks. i hate the cold though, so, ya know >.>
  22. well, i go to the Cheese Lady once a week and buy special nomnom cheeses to enjoy when i get the munchies. the berry ale is Shorts Soft Parade and is sold in grocery stores everywhere here. outside of MI, i've only ever seen it in Denver at a place called Argonaut... but that was like a day after some big beer festival, so they had some Michigan brews still.
  23. ewwwwww we gonna git sum tonight/tomorrow too, but not a lot. so i plan on not going out into it.
  24. sirloin steak, lightly seasoned red skin taters and green beans, bread with some seasoned oil, and probs cut a few slices of dill havarti. berry ale to wash it all down! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMmmmmm
  25. i'm actually thinking about getting a kitty harness and trying to walk him but then again, that may not be such a great idea >.< i have been reading about them though and everything is saying that you can train them like dogs, so idk, i may have to look into that.
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