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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. do you know why with the aluminum foil? or just weirdo being weird?
  2. like, by retriever you mean kitty like to play fetch? Morty has been doing that too and its a little weird but makes things a little easier for me too >.> i just don't like that i find hordes of toys hidden in strange spots along with items her ass shouldn't be getting into... like jewelry. couldn't find one of my earrings a week ago. found it a couple days ago with her toys hidden in the laundry room behind the dryer. i only even looked because i saw her slip back there. maybe if you tied a treat to the toy he would go for it???????
  3. MEXobiologist


    it's nut butter
  4. YUS, yus they do some are just sort of a little over double the size of a regular house cat but can be much bigger. i'm sort of hoping Rick gets HUGE. i would like him to get to a small-medium dog size >.>
  5. hahahaha! yeah, seems like some picked up behavior. thats still silly though. they haven't figured out the toilet lid yet but Morty sort of gets it. she knows what she is supposed to do, she just isn't able to do it
  6. ME! all the kitties pics, all the time
  7. hahaha! thats one of the things i love about dogs they're mischievous... but in a smart way and it makes it kind of cute
  8. poor kitty....
  9. so far they have shown little interest in going outdoors, so idk >.> they still babies tho.... kinda the one is a maine coon and apparently they are water lovers, my friend has one that really like to jump in the shower with him
  10. hope shes been through menopause already we don't need any more hybrid freaks crawlin around this place
  11. MEXobiologist


    certainly not margarine, thats for sure blech
  12. typically not like, on the reg but yeah, a select few i have exchanged number with
  13. Probs just chillin. I sent him a text on xmas and had a small chat.
  14. I wonder if thats at least kind of a breed thing. Some dogs just really really like water. Apparently my cat rick is supposed to like water : o but I'll believe that when I see him engage in it more.
  15. Really they are just too damn adorable but I do wish to break morty of the habit of not covering her poo... just the poo. And both need to stop trying to drink out of the damn toilet. Das jus grews. I think its funny that your dog is afraid of flies though. You think its the sound or something? Does fiyero initially become wary of other flying insects?
  16. Rick has an obsession with trying to catch the cursor on the computer screen and Morty never covers her damn poop. it stinks! both seem to want the toilet water and they hide their toys and treats like a dog. now i've owned cats for most of my life but these two are by far the strangest. do you aminals do anything weird?
  17. MEXobiologist


    who knows whats real or fake anymore...
  18. but i actually know the back of my hands quite well >.> pretty sure i know my boobs better though
  19. its standard mother rhetoric everywhere >
  20. you're certainly not getting any younger the time is now, while you still have the energy to chase demons
  21. i just want a car that doesn't feel like a death trap
  22. it means that you managed to entertain someone for a few moments of their life nothing more, nothing less
  23. hey man, if it suits your needs, i say go for it! i smoke nearly every day but i don't smoke amount wise like someone who does... and i don't usually have to pay for it outside of physical labor. so i dun really ever think about tapering my consumption.
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