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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. Quelf? i need to look this up. it reminds me too much of queef not to.
  2. This topic has been moved to Comics, Collectibles & Gaming (tabletop). [iurl]http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?topic=3604.0[/iurl]
  3. oh my glob, you're right shhhh, don't tell anyone i forgot about that > fixed
  4. WANT! WANT!
  5. texas holdem, or any poker for that matter, isn't that much fun to me. probably because its competitive and i suck at it. so i'm out real quick like and have to watch for foreeeevvvvveeeerrrrr it seems. i only just began learning Magic and am not real good at it but my friends take it easy on me and help me out so i can get better. i wager that i would do much better if the didn't want to get ridiculously stoned every single time but i'll get used to it and better in time. also, i really need to get a new script and some glasses. the font on the cards is really quite hard for me to read.
  6. i want suggestions fool! not votes on what i've already played. lol
  7. i really enjoy getting together with people, having some :brownbottle: or some :420:... maybe both, and playing games together. some of my best laughs come from this. last night we played a game called heads up from an app. basically, you pick a category, hold up the phone to your head and have to guess the word shown by the hints people give you. some of it is kinda boring but the accent category is ridiculous. it was as broad as saying midwestern and as specific as saying cockney or sean connery. anyways, i'm always in the market for a new one, got some favorites to share? some of my own favorites are more recently, Magic, and i'm damn terribru at it Euchre Dicecapades Mad-libs Telestrations Cribbage Scrabble Quiddler i still have to try cards against humanity but from what i've heard, i'm sure i would love it.
  8. would you ever want to go hoam?
  9. frosting? chocolate. ice cream? vanilla. caffeinated beverage? gtfo ->
  10. first world problems, indeed
  11. YAYAYAYAY! thats great news, i'm so happy to hear it <3 i had almost the opposite happen to me once. they thought i had a cyst, i went in for surgery, wound up being a tumor. thankfully, they tested it and it was a benign one. made all the "its not a tumor" jokes before the surgery that much more funny to my siblings. jerks. haha! anyways, i'm relieved. rest up mthor!
  12. lol, why not just go the mile and ask for a massage therapist?
  13. This topic has been moved to Dumpster Fires. [iurl]http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?topic=3546.0[/iurl]
  14. Once its opened, all condiments go in the fridge. I don't before that though. I also don't refrigerate my hot sauce.
  15. Happy day you escaped the womb! <3
  16. This thread smells like future reports
  17. no, thats pretty common actually. my father is for sure bipolar and displays sociopathic behaviors and thoughts, or so according to the psychiatrist he saw before his and my mothers divorce. he only decided to go because of my mothers ultimatum that he get help, or he get out. he decided not to continue because he also did not believe it to be true. he thought the devil had possessed my mother and the psychiatrist to conspire against him for the sake of money and hurting him. a great friend of mine also schizophrenic and it took him til he was in his early 30's to stay on his medication and believe what the doctors had been telling him nearly his whole life. all that will be wiped away if he ever stops taking his meds again. its been 8 years now and he is doing great the thing is, when its like that and your mental illness causes you to not believe what the doctors are telling you, that goes into other areas of your health as well. because its your body and you think you know better. i've been watching my father slowly die for about 7 years now. i am 100% positive it is diabetes and now probably a few other conditions. he refuses to seek medical help because he thinks its just old age, dehydration, and that there aren't enough healthy shit food options/or that people are trying to kill him with greasy food. he is a skeleton with skin, half of his teeth are gone so he wears dentures, he wears hoodies/long sleeves and gloves year round because he has no fat to keep him warm, his hands and feet are either hurting him or numb, and i've noticed ulcers around his ankles/calves when i've seen him pull up his socks. because of the mental illnesses, he will not see reason from loved ones or professionals. but we are in a bind because he also has not posed any threat to others, still works every day, and pays all his bills. we've talked to lawyers and psychiatrists about options but there really is none. even if he has this mental illness, he is not mentally incompetent and so retains full rights to his own health and body. so we watch him slowly die and struggle a little more every day, all while also having to cope with the nastier side of his mental state. so listen to your doctor and get whatever help you need.
  18. it seems like for most who don't prefer baths, time and dirty water are the biggest reasons. i'm actually a little surprised no one has said yet that its because they are too tall for the tub.
  19. welp, i've always wanted a two person claw foot tub
  20. that is also something i've never done. i've never smoked :420: while in the bath... but surely i will add that to my to do list cuz that just seems splendid.
  21. i was like that too but find that doing a thorough scrub down every other day in the shower then bathing the days between leaves the water with significantly less dirty suds. or you can do like buddy and rinse off after. maybe that would make it less icky for you. but i hear ya on the time part, its worth it though.
  22. i didn't tell you when to bathe i just didn't give you an option in this threads poll cuz you nasty bruh
  23. this ^ I can't eat the first one to two hours i am awake or i feel sick.... but once that passes i feel like i'm dying of starvation. >
  24. Ohhh, they have nice smellin stuffs. But I gotta be careful cuz a lot of it has shit that irritates my skin. I'm pretty anal about ingredients for bath and body products >.<
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