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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. It was a hard decision but I ultimately chose tacos over who the fuck cares. Really, if someone posts it, I will look for sure but I'm not asking for it. Nor will I show mine. So meh. I always want tacos though.
  2. MEXobiologist


    Someday. Brother lives in LB, so for now that is the destination for cali vacations.
  3. it is me. but now I am frightened.
  4. i'd rather just eat a roast, thank you very much
  5. good luck! i hope you get your yoga pants date
  6. so very few people do this and most of us are in go mode at all times, so i find it sort of awkward or funny when it does happen. like usually you'll be reaching for a door handle or chair already and just before you make contact, they scoop in. or you will be stepping out of the car right when they come running around to your side, then its all "i was going to help you with that." and i just end up laughing like a dummy. its really awkward sometimes when its in a scramble like that idk... should i consciously be waiting a moment to see if they are going to?
  7. not at home but at work definitely energy management fucking sucks and we have no thermostat to adjust on location so we have zero temperature control on hand and half of the time the heating and cooling is at least half broken
  8. MEXobiologist


    cali is okay when i go, i stay in long beach, so maybe its just my location but i find it sorta meh nice but i don't ever miss it really
  9. MEXobiologist


    well, maybe thats exactly what you were supposed to do? 0.o
  10. the internet is full of side and under boob pics. i'm sure there is enough to collect data for research.
  11. Woah... its still out there freal! Do I need to give my addy again?
  12. Some sorta spicy fried cheese or another.
  13. Lol, like mine own? neither are real awesome. I'd like to see some real same person comparisons tho. The internet is failing me
  14. Your mother didn't beat you enough, did she?
  15. So it really was the judas chair after all.
  16. Its not my fault no one ever taught me how to take care of myself.
  17. Huh.... idk but it sort of makes sense. I guess fabric is fabric.... but they should do their own fuckin laundry then. I don't make other people wash my lady soaked sheets.
  18. Are you taking them appropriately?
  19. For phillies sake, I hope quick and painless sort of fuck.
  20. What the fuck was what? Did you catch waifu with someone else?
  21. Side boob I think. Idk. I suppose both are flattering for the right boobs.
  22. mille bornes seems interesting and different from what i usually play.
  23. wut is pitch and rook?
  24. drunk jenga is the tits! the brewery i favor has a gigantic set to play with and its still super hard if not more difficult.
  25. Backgammon is one i've never played as well, i'll add that to the list. Chess is fun but the only people i know anymore who like to play are far more hyper serious about it than i.
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