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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. .... like this one? why didn't someone inform me of these rules? here i am, just leisurely going about my regular business of not banging people. i suppose i should get my shit together and start whoring it up like my uniform states.
  2. D'awwwwmg, kitty lives matter <3 That was sweet. I hope she gets used to her new house and family quickly to get all the loves.
  3. it sux but its full time and the benefits are actually really damn good still, wages are paltry and i'm pretty damn poor -_'
  4. yeah, that one too though i suppose all of these are over played in dive bars through the midwest in general also missing from that playlist, various songs by Foreigner, Boston, Garth Brooks, Bob Seger, and John Mellencamp
  5. its about hunting cuz nugent you're not really missing much
  6. working, but its a pretty good slow day so i can get some projects done. its just now lunch and i already got the entire department shifted to make a couple extra aisles in the back for infant and toddler shiz. half of it is already re-merchandised onto the new fixtures i put together in those aisles. now i have to figure out moving the rest so i can fit the furniture and crib pads out. unfortunately that means dismantling some stuff and taking down shelves that weigh a bajillion pounds. then a meeting, then its back up to the front of the depts so i can space out those shelves to fit new luggage. i know, super exciting stuff! lol, but its the part of my job that i actually like
  7. This topic has been moved to Dumpster Fires. [iurl]http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?topic=3393.0[/iurl]
  8. yeah, idk man. i mean, some places still did it in the state but none anywhere near me. even those lil farm towns up north mostly had gotten rid of it. i'm glad tho cuz i got enough of that at home. i distinctly remember the moment my mom decided she was going to switch from wood to plastic cooking utensils for their "durability".... o.0 the only physical engagement that i remember from school is being dragged out of classes by my hair.
  9. you givin out blunts or what?
  10. now thats some relatable shit! lol >
  11. by the time i was in school, all that was done away with here. even the catholic schools had mostly done away with it by the early 70's, so i have zero experience with any of that. i like to hear my moms stories though. honestly, its sort of funny to hear some of the shit they got caught doing by the nuns that gained them a lickin
  12. 1 i have no need to pirate anything anymore because it was always all music and maybe a few movies. streaming has upped its game since then and i make enough money to splurge for the things i really want to own.
  13. are we starting a Michigan dive bar playlist? i would also like to add Fred Bear by Ted Nugent and The Joker by Steve Miller Band
  14. This topic has been moved to Dumpster Fires. [iurl]http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?topic=3351.0[/iurl]
  15. Lol, its too damn dramatic. But strangely was the answer to ending my lifes drama then.
  16. oh no, i was a total doormat dumb dumb. even my friends were complete shit then. when he was spreading rumors, they were helping and adding their own spins on it. well my friends that ran in that circle whom i had grown up with anyway. my other friends that i had made in high school were basically why i even noticed that there was something wrong with some of the company i kept. i stopped hanging out with the shit friends when i was about 16 and probably the reason things ended for good with the guy was a succession of huge blow out incidents. we weren't even dating anymore and he showed up outside my house just livid cuz i had been avoiding him since i was over it all. anyways, there was screaming, he slammed into the car door a couple times, (mind you, its not like the dude ever really hit me but he was a lil rough like that on a couple occasions)neighbor lady came out threatening to call cops, so he left. anyways, mom was notified from neighbor lady and furious with me. at school the next day, one of my old shitty friends told me that he was coming to pick me up after school cuz something about our fight and he was pissed off and wanted to hash it all out. newer decent friends caught wind, still not sure how they knew about any of the previous days encounter, last class let out and the next thing i knew i was running across the street to him getting into his car with a busted nose. i guess the guys were not impressed with his treatment and decided to give him a bit of it themselves... with a skateboard to the face and a threat. and that was the last of that, once and for all. i just met my homies a little late i guess
  17. i was 15 yes. he was 17 tho and had a few regular partners before me. hell, i had already been seeing him just about a year at that point and he had slept with at least 1 other female during that period, but multiple times. that i knew of anyways. i saw this same guy on and off til i was 17 because i was a dumb smitten teenager who would take just about any bs from this guy. i did end up having some good sexual experiences with him but mostly bad, like just about every other aspect of our relationship. i actually give him lots of credit for helping me realize all the things i absolutely will not tolerate from my relationships or other humans in general. it was a phenomenal learning experience that i grew from. you're right though. as an adult when i think about the whole situation of our relationship and all its components, i really don't expect it to much else than what it was. also, thats cute. your emotions about that experience. it just goes to show that some things stick with people for life.
  18. lol, nah. he was pretty average in size but he only last maybe 5 or so minutes, if that. idk, seemed it was over as soon as it started and my overall sentiment was, ehhhhhhhhhh >.> i don't think its supposed to be like this. the only thing that was noticeable in physical feeling was some discomfort from the intrusion because i was not really wet. i wouldn't go so far as to say painful but definitely uncomfortable. so i did not really want to no real foreplay to get me into it and well lubricated making it more uncomfortable it last only a handful of minutes then he spread nasty embarrassing rumors directly after the fact all in all, not the best experience in the world, lol, but as i am reading... also not the worst -_'
  19. i am confused also but meh, now its just funny
  20. nah, i wasn't my brothers were though they told my mother that they moved my older brother because it was disruptive to have him consistently questioning teachers and the curriculum during class. my younger brother because he has a reading disability that made it difficult to learn with the regular teachers. his verbal cognition was passed that of most of his peers but he fell very far behind in reading cognition which made homework and self study significantly more difficult. i knew kids that were in those classes due to violent tendencies as well as mental disabilities as well. so it was basically a throw anyone who was harder to teach in a room together type thing.
  21. everyday is nude day! >
  22. i was 15 and it was sucky. didn't really want to, but i let myself be persuaded by my then asshole bf through some pretty hilarious means. it was short and lacked much, if any pleasure. then he promptly turned around and told everyone i finally gave it up but wasn't even a virgin, which was certainly not true. everybody and their brother knew about it, not just friends, so there was some really weird stories floating about. it was embarrassing as hell.
  23. if i remember correctly, they were just links to the images otherwise, what CAC[/member] said if you want to post nudity/violent graphic content owo <3
  24. dunno if it was mentioned, i really liked Salute Your Shorts and was bummed there wasn't more of it.
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