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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. I'm not sure what you are trying to say? Cuz its exfoliating?
  2. if I ever own a line of bath salts, milk, bombs, whatever... You're gonna be my spokeswoman.
  3. Fuck a washcloth. I use those bamboo fiber mitts cuz they the tits <3
  4. Ew, you should stop being that right meow.
  5. same... except every 4 months or so. recently someone pooped in the fitting rooms at work. i've found random turds in aisles, poop filled wide open diapers on shelves, and have seen it smeared all over the walls of a bathroom stall :( :( :( :( :( :(
  6. i think you are confusing your roles in this situation
  7. MEXobiologist


    or they could trip all over various types of balls and come up with their own version which is way cooler
  8. cuz mental illness... or asshole -_' thats how diseases spread yo.
  9. seems like she made a new profile hoping she wouldn't or maybe she really was getting pounded.... over and over and over and over and over. she took it in all the places. maybe he planted his seed in her. maybe it was multiple men.
  10. that is something i have never ever done showers, yes. baths, no. adds to the list of things....
  11. the rational thing to do is to not say anything and forget about it hell... you shouldn't even take so much notice of it to begin with
  12. Yeah but either way, you're getting clean
  13. That is nasty. I wouldn't do it. My typical routine these days is to shower every other day for a super scrub and shave. Then a bath on the days between. Its mostly just a long soak and then at the end i'll do a light sugar or salt scrub before climbing out. On bath nights my hair goes up into a bun and i don't wash it. I already only wash it every other day because it gets so unbelievably dried out and poofy.
  14. true facts. i also noticed since its helping my skin a lot, i get less irritation from shaving my legs and hooha. which is a total bonus. hooha so smooth, so fresh and so clean clean <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  15. Thats what my mom always says. Even as adults, she frequently reminds us that we should be taking baths at least once or twice a week to thoroughly clean ourselves. I'm a shaver though, and sitting in lil bits of hair is kinda gross to me. Or if i'm super dirty from camping or something like that, no way. Otherwise I've mostly come away from the grossed out bit. Its just so lovely. Not to mention my skin is fucking loving me right meow. I get really bad dry skin. Nearly year round i get ashy af and the only thing that seemed to help at all was coconut oil. Now that I've been soaking more frequently, especially since introducing other product to the water, it's almost a complete turn around. That plus the coconut oil makes skin so hydrated, smooth, and soft. Pair that with a set of clean sheets and fur blankets, oh man, i'm in metaphorical heaven! I'll just start snuggling in and rubbing my legs everywhere >
  16. wait.... does this mean you only wash yourself once per week or that you only take a bath once per week?
  17. so far, i'm sensing a bit of a gender trend here, though, it may be too early to say. why don't you take baths?
  18. thats how i was, but mostly because i feel like showering is a pain in the ass.
  19. so its like polar opposite for you then, right? i like it because it is relaxing, makes my body and skin feel good. you don't like it because you don't like just relaxing back in it, correct?
  20. I share a bathroom with two other people but between two of us, it stays pretty damn clean. Both of us have a habit of doing a rinse and quick clean after our water is drained or when we get out of the shower.
  21. My recommendation is NOLA Jazz Fest during the spring time. Or just whenever. Ya'll should know by now that I'm in love with that place. Music, food, people, food, drinks, culture.... did i mention music and food? I want to go again sometime soon. By soon i mean the next year or two. I've heard great things about the new National WWII Museum there and I would really love to check out the New Orleans Museum of Art as well. Every time I go, its for something or another or during Mardi Gras, so there is little time to do those kinds of things.
  22. I did not add an option for those who do not like to wash themselves at all because that gross. You nasty. For a long time I did not take baths and only showered, unless I was injured and needed to relax my muscles in hot water. Something about cleaning myself in the water that I'm sitting in grossed me out. The last year or so I've taken to doing it at least once a week after a quick scrub down in the shower. Now its to the point that I take a bath every other day, if not everyday that I can. Like, the super scrub down and shaving happens when i shower because I still don't like the idea of sitting in that S: but I am nearly obsessed with the relaxation of soaking in a hot tub. I've even become regular with adding things to the water like epsom salt bubble bath with lavender, coconut milk, coconut milk powder, herbal bath bombs, or bath salts that help the water to retain heat. It's just wonderful the way it seems to drain my tension and make me feel refreshed. Usually, showering seems like a mechanical chore to me that i can't wait to get done with. Do you still take baths?
  23. i don't think indulging in a binge or two is the problem with drinking when you're going through prolonged period of heartbreak or loneliness. its when you're self medicating by drinking a lot regularly to escape that is the problem. anyone who has ever had close relations or was/is an alcoholic themselves and have been through the motions of trying to quit, they know exactly what happens to your moods and emotions over time because of the alcohol. it is an insane roller coaster that i don't wish upon anyone. and thats the thing too, it doesn't just effect them, it effects the people close to them too. no bueno. using booze as medication when you're in pain is a slippery slope and you're bound to take others down with you or lose them completely on your way down. thats more my point than just having some drinks when stuff sucks.
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