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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. my thing is that i just forget to stop being awake. like, its not difficult for me to fall asleep if i turn everything off and close my eyes but a lot of times i just absentmindedly stay awake for zero reason. i'll just be reading through some shit on the internet or shopping for supplies. then bam! i will look at the time and its hours passed the time i told myself i would turn everything off and sleep. that and pee. i always forget to pee before bed, so it happens that the moment i start to drift, my bladder rages at me.
  2. no, these particular pieces come from Australia, that is all i remember from the conversation i had with the dealer when i bought this in Missouri over the summer. my searching was based on that, which brought me to conclusion that it is most likely chrysoprase. its not malachite. i am only 100% certain it is not because i specifically remember thinking, "well shit, don't forget that name" as it was something i hadn't heard before. i talked to a friend last night who collects gems and the like, he seems to think chrysoprase is a good guess given the location of origin, color/translucent qualities, and the formation from growth along the bottom. it looks quite similar to his own much larger pieces, even those in their rough natural state. he is going to show his dealer and ask what he thinks though. apparently there are some tests i can do involving dry heat vs moist heat which may also help to determine if it is correct but may not be necessary and save me some re polishing.
  3. There is some sort of fisting joke in there, I'm certain of it.
  4. Well, it could if you show him the picture and ask.
  5. le sigh, i was hoping it might be easier than that. i'll have to go the route of finding one on the internet and ask.
  6. i've considered that but i have also decided that it is still harassment as those females from all the screenshot convos he shares here, they do not know this.
  7. i think so too when i do a google image search for chrysoprase or austrailian jade, what comes up is extremely similar but the piece i had in the past was much more green. i know many things can effect the coloration tho, so thats not really always the best indicator.
  8. or wait, here is a novelty concept... stop. just stop harassing women. its really not all that difficult, i promise.
  9. posting my address on craigslist with a pic of me in a swimsuit would be safer
  10. awwww, why not? i'm counting on your data
  11. is this chrysoprase? thats the best i got. i want to make some jewelry with these but i want to know fo sho what it is before i sell it. unfortunately, i completely forgot what its called and never labeled the bag. cuz i'm a dumb
  12. all except the erection apparently
  13. only one way to find out
  14. thats what she will say
  15. i know, i know, this is a sign but i'm still not ready yet. i still haven't gotten to the point where i'm not asking question when we play magic, i haven't had that ultra specific threesome i've been waiting for, and i haven't even been out of the country even once.
  16. 13! WUDIDYEWDEW?!
  17. i would expect nothing less of you my dear >
  18. she should just save you both the stress and get you declawed
  19. like those fucking twats who use utility knives to scrape out a pipe yeah, fuck those people
  20. a chastity device
  21. the two and a half star rating must be because they didn't get much farther than taking their clothes off be proud of your tumtums please
  22. now that i understand. i have a back brace for work. on occasion, the woman who supervises and works in receiving likes to take a vacation. i'm the only other person who is both trained and physically fit enough to run that shit. so back and knee brace it is. knee cuz old people problems in a young body. merp.
  23. wtf? you don't tell me! i will yell at alex trebek all i want!
  24. fuck showers take baths
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