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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. i had that happen to me recently with amazon. also a sports team shop. can you answer me this.... why the fuck is nothing open on monday? its the second... not a holiday correct, why no mail and shit? also, i'm not a batman fan really but that is a pretty damn cool.
  2. i feel like i am lacking vitamins but yes, i feel pretty good
  3. i'm not quite sure what you mean by woody word and the net just tells me its a monty python thing... which explains my lack of understanding. words that sound sexual, or something? thats the best i got. i love the word voluptuous though. the pronunciation feels and sounds to me like exactly what it means.
  4. well, if you ever do find yourself starving, you can usually get free day olds from the bakeries when they are closed and doing baking for the next morning. for full effectiveness, bring a child or preggo lady with you.
  5. NEVAR! you can't make me XP
  6. i'll never understand peoples problem with that word it even feels good to say
  7. well, correct me if i'm wrong because i don't even remember where i heard this and may be mixing shit up.... but didn't we just evolve out of our overall consuming body hair? like cuz in africa we had to evade fast running species, we needed to be able to sweat to keep our bodies cool when running since we don't pant. i think its probably something like that. for speed and regulating body temps.
  8. it was a year some of it was awesome, some of it sucked c'est la vie, this year will be much the same in that regard
  9. NICE! out of curiosity, how much did that boxset run? >.>
  10. what kind of house is it?
  11. they were laggy af. i threw a mouse into a wall once and just plugged in the old one. you see those laser keyboards yet? they're weird.
  12. strangely enough, i think that might be the last thing my brother bought himself are you my brother? >.>
  13. that sucks, i just ate a giant breakfast
  14. i feel you. they can be sneaky and too damn strong but since i mostly am just eating my own, i know whats up. if i am ever given or buy some, i just take a small bite and wait it out to see. i've definitely been in one of those, find a spot to sit or get horizontal and talk yourself down, type situations. no bueno.
  15. this is the first time i've ever heard of big fam meals for new years day. thats cool though. wish we did cuz i eat like a god damn horse on the first.
  16. people do that? 0.o i didn't know that. usually i spend the whole day in bed hating myself.
  17. i'm not a fan, i mean, they're alright but overall i would agree with your rating. i absolutely hate dabs. fuck that, no thanks, does not like. i'd rather just smoke a bowl or joint tbh. i do make butter or oil for nomnoms with my trim hash tho, so i like the treats just fine. occasionally i get tincture, but the tincture is typically just for medical purposes. as far as inhalation goes, i'm old school bout it.
  18. 149... but that number is highly inaccurate as i don't/haven't recorded everything. I just usually add when i remember, if I remember.
  19. MEXobiologist


    i have an IG and tend to use it pretty solid for like a week or month, but then don't even glance at it for several. i'm just really bad about that sorta thing in general.
  20. indeed so please refrain from having any
  21. Been bumpin this for like a week meow and will probably continue to do so. <3 <3 <3 10/10 I catch something new every day.
  22. work out, scream, eat peppers, jump around, dance.... do something to get them endorphins going thats the best i got
  23. MEXobiologist


    despite being in about a zillion of other peoples snaps, i don't have a snapchat its just another thing to keep up with
  24. walmart is garbage
  25. ...... :420: <3 sure did!
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