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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. i have enough lube already and i don't think they sell leeks on there even if they did, i question the freshness of it >.>
  2. but there are already so many other forms of social communication on the internet which provide such. try something new for once dear. you might just end up liking it.
  3. for frivolous etsy gift card money spending and i feel the need for some therapy. there is 100$ to spend and i would like something/s nice but still completely ridiculous.
  4. ugh, its one of those things that if i didn't have a medical card here, i would be one of those peeps who move there. it would have been on the ballot this year if they didn't change the petition rules after the signatures were all collected. seriously, we got duped out of so many helpful things in michigan this year because of that.
  5. yeeesssssss! +1000 you are best! i like the sour cream and cheddar, bbq, and original the best this way.
  6. hey man, if they can do it, so can i ;D
  7. oh, they're doing that too for sure i don't do that though i mostly combine my pb&j crusts with chips by smashing them into the lil crumb bits.... but you're close enough
  8. no, thats a lady there are none of those around here
  9. ehhhhhhhh lee joon-gi is aight i guess
  10. of the buggie nature, you are correct. and drones. i'm a little paranoid that the next time i get drunk in public and have to pee behind a car or bush, i'll get caught. its just not enough to look around you anymore. now you gotta look up.
  11. ( . Y . )
  12. and here i always thought that was one of the better parts of those mags >.> except that one time i read that one disturbing story... or maybe that was penthouse, idk, i don't remember...
  13. Well of course your roll is to provide my protection dear. As a sexy highly skilled robot ninja, you will blend right in but can conceal yourself in order to better protect me when necessary. The clientele is just horny people with fantasies as per usual, i'll have none of the overly violent sort however. Nobody damages my goods. Nobody. I haven't pinned a location yet, but somewhere warm. Not sweltering hot, but relatively warm all year round. I plan on wearing silk and satin robes for most of the rest of my life.
  14. she would be much happier in my service at the brothel
  15. i'd say so thats like finding out you're not actually pregnant bullet=dodged
  16. I would like to say that I'm in the business of fantasies not politics, but I'm just not entirely certain the two are much different.
  17. i know what that shit tastes like and it isn't anything good.... >.>
  18. do you get charged additional fees for certain transactions?
  19. yeah, thats my sister. the second anyone wants a drink, she just pulls out everything in the cabinet. tbh, i drink so very few different kind of liquor or liquor drinks, i just wouldn't even know what to do with most of that. there was also some berry ale, brown ale, dipa, and a bottle of makers in my brothers hand. i didn't touch the beer til i got home though. whiskey is fucking nasty tho >.> js
  20. maybe she is programmed to know his dick is huge
  21. is it really all that outrageous though? i'm just here to make sure everyone is happy and well taken care of
  22. i believe that the exponentially large increase of food allergies and intolerance over the last 20 years or so is directly related to diet and mysophobia. i also believe that most people these days who claim such by self diagnosis are full of shit.
  23. i believe cher will die just like the rest of us in the event of a nuclear holocaust
  24. processing return purchases is the worst part of the holiday
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