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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. I’m going to exclusively punch your mom in both tits, then cunt punt her to the nearest 7-11
  2. Peanut butter and fluff sandwiches… we ate that every summer when I was a kid in NY… they were all like…ew…then they were all like…daymn…this good… we also ate salt potatoes up north during cookouts and such. Taught them about that too…now they ask for it. The other night my man’s says, ‘you want me to grill some burgers? We have have burgers and salt potatoes’…and I look at him and said “so you want me to make salt potatoes?” ”….yes…🥺” I think it’s fascinating the cultural differences between states. I mean @Rogue_Alphonse has that thing about scrapple….
  3. I like making Nutella rolls with tortillas
  4. i miss those days.... punchin old ladies....but now adays i punch every women i pass in the tit choose the bear now bitch...
  5. yo so speaking of fucking DARE....when i was a kid the only cop in town was officer dunster....and he was lovingly called officer dumpster...he was the DARE guy. and my fifth grade teacher fucking hated me and i hated her. not saying i was the best student but i have a tendency to let people know i dont like them without telling them outright.... this bitch right....this bitch.....told the officer that i was an at risk child and with the way i act, it may be drug use....in fifth fucking grade? this cop pulled me out into the hallway and grilled me about 'do you smoke? what do you smoke? do your parents smoke? does it smell funny? has anyone offered you something?' my father was fucking livid, went to the school and told that cunt to leave me alone. then went to the (cops who work for OT not actually a fully functioning PD) Police dept and ripped dumpster a new asshole.... then i didnt get to go to the DARE concert....bitch brought me back a cassette.... lol
  6. oooooh yeah i remember that... there was an old story someone told me when i was like 10... where someone who had HIV was poking themself with needles then leaving the used needle in coin returns for arcade games or soda machines... i know that it was just HIV fear mongering back then but i still eyeball the shit out of those things before i finger it...
  7. really? ive never even heard of this sort of thing until then. doesnt really suprise me tho, people are fucking awful.....kinda like that 'razorblade in the candy' shit...
  8. I’ve been trying to google the original video, but the og had its sound turned off
  9. i kinda hope its a fucking joke tbh she like says shes a sociopath....and whenever she goes to restaurants she puts rat poison in the condiments on the table. they she hangs about and watches the next set of people use said contaminated condiments....and she gets a kick out of watching kids use them... a special place in hell i tell ya
  10. https://dastardlydeviantdeco.etsy.com
  11. we do?! shit my B...i didnt know
  12. BUY FROM ME FUCKERS..... please?
  13. I don’t even wanna go… found a condo for 1400 that fits 8…so…that’s not too bad
  14. I'm not a beach person, but they wanna go to the beach.... whats that smell? oh its just stillz frying like fucking bacon on the sand...
  15. last night: Beef and chicken quesadillas with elote seasoned corn tonight: Burgers and Perogies
  16. The STARS at night, Are big and bright, *clap clap clap clap* Deep in the heart of texaaaaas
  18. But I also love bats so I’m gonna do this too cause….i can…
  19. whatever the price of sage is now a days
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