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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. I think the concept of a “permanent record” only applies criminally. when you’re dealing with education you have to have a verified copy sent from the originating college to the new one. They don’t have free access to that. However, if we’re talking employment whereas they need to verify your education, you graduating with xyz certificate is the only thing they can freely search.
  2. well I was looking into those online class ' study on your time' kinda places.... considering my previous college I have accrued 77 credits; 20 of those which would be considered pre-req, I would be able to transfer them over. Assuming they are accepted but places like that kinda dog you on it. So if just 10 move, that would bump me down to needing only 30 additional credits to get my BA. the shitty thing is that they only allow you to take 2 classes per 8 weeks(term), and they only have 6 terms a year....that would still be 2 1/2 years before I would see it. cost with books would be about 35,000 in total..... so then I wonder would it be worth the additional cost to go to an actual class type setting and be able to take 4 to 5 classes per term to get it in like a year and half....
  3. goin for 4-2 tonight baby! WOO GO STARS!
  4. I think I'm gonna go back and complete my degree..... or use the base credits to aim for another one.... i dunno....
  5. decaf coffee with splenda and butter pecan creamer.... mm... nutritious...
  6. Dental, but it’s just some meth’d dude named Dave who pulls teeth for whataburger Dr Pepper milkshakes
  7. since I'm part time now, I have Wednesdays off
  8. this is work related so I’ll give you the correct way and what I say lamotrigine- correct way ( lamb ott tri gene)…. Mine (lamb o trig nay)
  9. welcome ( whale cum)
  10. coffee and a brownie
  11. you do you.... also attitude was my favorite from their first album
  12. stupid ways to pronounce shit....like: bologna (ba-log-naa) do not (doughnut).... bra (bruh-raar) lucky charms (chucky larms)
  13. lol you know the YPP and the red bull advertising i never understood. and klondike...
  14. see I dont necessarily agree to that. They did a service to that song, it was a stand alone rendition. I actually like theirs more than MJs, whereas some other remakes of his shit are just that....shit unless we talkin bout weird al....
  15. dude I love AAF, I still rock the fuck out to this all the time
  16. You won’t last long.
  17. I make these bats….i have so many bats….
  18. My boyfriend is the chef
  19. So I hit their careers page and spammed like 10 applications. That sign on bonus ...*chefs kiss*...
  20. I love her....I'd rehabilitate the SHIT out of her
  21. cleaning your ears. if q-tip not go in there, why ear shaped? why feel good?
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