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Everything posted by Still Me
I had a beer with dinner....I feel like I should drink more to help me sleep tonight but....think that would be a bad way to start orientation
Beer brats n' onions and cheesy ranch style beans
you know...the kind of meal that doesn't make the kitchen hot or make you stand out in front of a grill.. an easy painless summer meal
is it wrong to say that I don't know who this is? and I feel the same way about jeff goldbloom?
so since this asshat came to fuck up my thread.... young gary busey had a punchable face....after his accident maybe not...
What I posted? buddy you came into a joke thread to allude to being upset with someone and not wanting to quote “dox anyone” so I made a dismissive joke about how we’re all terrible people and then you got butthurt. look here NVK, you've always had some fucked up beef pulled out of literally thin air
Wah wah wah wah stfu Charlie Brown, nobody gives a shit how you ended up here or your life’s story.
I feel like thats what therapy is like
oh god do you work in a hobby store? I can't imagine the asshatery .... you know, that I will miss....I used to hide shit all the time. I'd wait for it to clearance then buy it lol.
oh god I love the Viagra/Cialis people. I mean there were times I did see legitimate need for the script. But its the low mg and its daily because of prostate issues....but those who need it just to screw their mistress in Las Vegas for the weekend are unconsolable babies... 'my script for 30 is how much? $600? why the hell is it that expensive?' well cause its not medically necessary sir.... 'well how much is like....3? $75? ok ill take the 3...'
sometimes it can be so rewarding. but 90% of the time its total trash lol
Customer service stories, either you have one or you've been one...me first Customer calls: Hello, sorry this is weird, but I've been having some issues with my phone. Can you tell me if it shows my phone number on your caller ID? I set it up to be private, but it hasn't been working. Me: *looks* Yeah, it shows private...how can I help you? C: I'm looking for a product that you carry inside the store, and I know you're the pharmacy, but I didn't feel comfortable asking someone at the front for it. M: *not an uncommon occurrence for people who may be dealing with an embarrassing issue* Thats ok, what are you looking for? C: Are all conversations private? Like, held in confidence? M: Yes sir, they are. We are still healthcare, and we maintain strict privacy and professionalism. What product were you looking for? C: I'm looking for magnum condoms in the extra large size. Do you know if you have that in stock? Do you know what I mean? M: Yes sir, I know what you are explaining, I can check the floor to see if we have that give me just a moment. **goes to check stock, makes note of prices just in case that's the follow up question** M: Sir? C: Yes? M: From what I can tell, we only carry the magnum larges. We don't have the extra larges, sorry. C: I don't think that will do. Do you happen to know how large they are? M: No sir I don't, I can try to google that information for you. C: Yeah, that would be great, cause they have to be a certain size. They have to be like 9x4. You understand what I mean by that? 9x4?.....9x4? M: *the fuck dude?* Yes sir, I am aware. Google says the larges only go to 8.5 C: Thats not gonna work *chuckle* I mean that's not close M: Yeah, sorry sir. You may have to check Walmart or Amaz.... C: Yeah I bet you don't fuck anything under 5 inches do you? M: *brain flatline* ...Excuse me? C: *hangs up* One of the many stories I have that will always make me glad I left that fucking place
I just bought this game....I think I'm about to hit fall....wait....winter is hard?
I've only seen that episode once....so I'm foggy on the actual details but I thought it more or less had something to do with 90's nostalgia kids and boomers.... meh...I could be wrong....
I'm not sure who you're alluding to, but I know it ain't me. That being said, since when has this community given a rats turd about sparing peoples feelings. We're all terrible people here and all could use a punch to the face....who cares?
so here's where I'm at on the pizza vs pizza thing as a NY'er if you can fold it in half and it maintains the shape...that stiff sexy triangle and no flop....perfect slice of pie OR there is the tomato pie: square, cheese on the bottom, sauce on the top, crispy edges, soft middle, solid square.....perfect slice of pie then there's chicago: deep dish, flaky crispy crust, loads of toppings, have to eat it with a fork or it falls apart.....perfect helping of CASSEROLE....ITS A GOD DAMNED CASSEROLE....ITS NOT A SLICE.... #pizzaracist #makepizzagreatagain
well it really all depends on what information gets leaked. I know they might be pissed about me getting the pharmacist into trouble....but then again...I'm not the one who broke the law
my former employees? no, they still chat with me...its only management and senior management
Damn…I’ve been out of work for like 4 weeks…I’d take $700 🤣
I'm not sure that ill get anything....