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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. Not yet, but I’m hoping he gets MASSIVE!!
  2. Ooooh lol ok yeah I totally get that. My older cat bricks up in a harness lol
  3. Wait…you got attacked with a brick?
  4. he’s had 2 baths so far. He’s not a fan
  5. Oh don’t I know it. We’re leash training so he can go to Jeep events with us
  6. you came at that shit like a spider monkey
  7. why you no adopt?
  8. let them take my foot....imma poppin dis bitch
  9. popping culture!!
  10. i mean blisters in general suck....but i keep hitting this one on shit... controversial topic: are you a popper?
  11. I mean...totally all for it...I think it would benefit everyone..... but this whole forgiveness thing....we've all had shit happen in our lives that either makes us cold or indifferent....maybe grow from it....some people just become bitter...w/e but what I don't seem to be putting together is....well....example: my mother...terrible person....untrustworthy, manipulator, list goes on so as a form of self-preservation, I cut her out of my life. I mean, if that's the kinda toxic she is I don't need it so just get rid of it. I think that makes logical sense, its making and creating a health boundary however, as I told my therapist about some of the things that my mother did to have it end with this boundary, she then started talking about forgiveness. Shes basically saying that it takes more energy to hold onto something than to forgive. Forgive, not forget kinda thing. I think she's wrong....I've lived with this for damn near 15 years....I'm not angry anymore, it's just become facts. So if someone comes up and says 'how's you mom?' it's the 'I don't know, I don't talk to her' I don't harbor any anger or hatred for her...I just don't care....but isn't that essentially "forgiving"....I don't know...but I did tell her I have issues feeling my emotions other than anger....so is not caring numb? and is forgiving some sort of feeling?
  12. my old boss could due for a punch to the face....but she weighs like 100 lbs....it would probably kill her
  13. indifferent. My entire family, immediate or extended, aren't the close type so we occasionally speak but not at great lengths.
  14. lol I feel that too
  15. just people who used to be family ya know? now i feel things....not sadness.....i wanted to call it contempt but thats not right either....its more like.... meh....
  16. could be worse....could have dreamt you were a combat medic.... sticking that 'silver bullet' up the asses of your buds
  17. i have hope!
  18. Bro its super chill...my bosses are dope as shit. one of them was wearing a wutang clan shirt during a meeting, and she was showing us her emotional support knome. Its like this little statue of a knome holding 2 beer cans... also while my work computers are below my personal one, I've been playing this soothing music for the duration of working....I kinda love this elevator shit...
  19. 🤣🤣no that’s a package deal when you sign the paperwork
  20. Garbage plate is ftw
  21. I drive a wrangler…so…I’m not the one to ask 🤣 I’ll patch this shit till he dies
  22. And an orange drink…if you know you know
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