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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> no not happening./
  2. //> and the now is terrible , that's not what I'd call music ./
  3. //> so how much is that gonna cost?/
  4. //> dont work in a place of hate and lies it destroys mental health./
  5. //> so yeah he didn't realize till I pointed it out to him , they're gonna get big and I dont think hes capable of handling two semi feral halfbobs./
  6. //> I can re-design any interior space for any optional occasion into whatever is needed , homebuisness or home resting I can make it happen ./
  7. //> even the anime women aren't safe from the PC police ./
  8. //> mu phones camera sucks and I have no photography equipment to show you what I see at night ./( I know that looks like a lenses flare it is not its is a 5k wide hole in the cloud layer )/
  9. //> sure I'll be the guy digging a hole in the yard./
  10. //> save the puppets./
  11. //> what's Biden going to do for swamp people and gator ticklers./
  12. //> drugs cause if she knows I did drugs I cant play with the guns ./
  13. //> that's a very fedex thing of you to say ./
  14. //> ah the potty dance the universal sign of I GOTTA GO !/
  15. //> they do get happy when they can communicate with someone who speaks Gfreeman./
  16. //> just write it down. have a sign that's says hearing impaired in brail for them to point at ./
  17. //> most certainly./
  18. //> so many old people come in just to chat about shit , I am busy with customers i do not understand their thought process ./
  19. //> trying to speak to a customer who only speaks mandarin is intense ./
  20. //> of course it was their idea to be considerate ./
  21. //> that's cool do you know dancing potatoes. /
  22. //> at my old job some of the deaf workers had a little clique of HoH , only one was a douche ./
  23. //> it sucks companies dont take the time for Sign just write it all down , that's insensitive to the deaf and hard of hearing for not speaking their language , cant speak spanish and I do not try , awesome they support it now for ya ./
  24. //> are the nicest and most patient customers , they dont expect me to know sign so when I'm waving my arms the happiness in their eyes is amazing to see them happy for communication does warm me heart a little , get a few old coworkers from fedex now and then who are deaf and come to my line and we shoot the shit silently , my managers come over try uh g to talk to them but they can't hear him so we look at each other and sign shit and have a quiet laugh ./
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