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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Me too. I'm hoping we can do more stuff like this. I want to participate next time
  2. I will neither confirm nor deny
  3. Fuking intense bro
  4. We have the most advanced missle defense system in the entire world. If they even so much as tried to get cute with us, we'd blow their shit out of the sky and there would be serious hell to pay. They're just puffing out their chests and as far as I'm concerned they can do that all they want. They just better leave it at that.
  5. Words to live by.
  6. I hope somebody has some snickers handy >_>
  7. 1. Go to the gym and get a sick upper body pump 2. Smoke the blunt 3. Hit the pussy 4. Die
  8. This thread just won't die!
  9. Solid idea brah. What if she dies?
  10. You can play 4DEEZ NUTS!
  11. Honestly I'm cool with it as long as he isn't a mod.
  12. Ok so the acting was excellent. Grade A performances all around. The writing, however, was lazy. There were a few deaths that were so anticlimactic and simple that I was left very disappointed. On a surface level the movie was entertaining. I was never bored or sick of it. Then again I'm not a hardcore Star Wars fan. I can certainly see how more hardcore fans would be pissed about this one lol. My only real gripe about this film is the writing. But I can't say it's entirely the writer's fault. This thing was obviously a rushed cash grab. That's the problem with things that are released annually. There's an intense deadline that forces things to be rushed. It unfortunately shows in the finished product. YAY MARK HAMILL IS SORTA RELEVANT AGAIN!
  13. Pretty much. This place sucks ass. It's got a Bluetooth speaker tho
  14. Bullshit that's me
  15. Why are you being mean bro? Can I have $5?
  16. I know that struggle. It's kinda fun at times cause being really tired is like being high
  17. Does this place moonlight as a to catch a predator sting house?
  18. No, if they don't like it they can leave. No guarantees.
  19. You're right. Life is whatever you make it.
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