I played through it a few months ago, and after reading reviews online, I feel like this game is vastly overrated. For starters, the entire plot is a reskin of Final Fantasy 7. The whole concept of "I created this thing and now it's too powerful for me to control blah blah blah." I feel like that's a problem with a lot of JRPGs though. They all follow the same blueprint for the most part. Another thing that bothered me was the mind numbing dialogue. Holy hell it was awful and there was way too much of it and way too many cutscenes. I'd start a new disc and wouldn't get to actually control my player for like 30 minutes. It was also too easy. Beat enemies, level up, repeat. Over and over again. The only other thing to do in this game is play the card game which is sorta broken. The card game doesn't help you in any way. Winning new cards does nothing outside of the context of the card mini game. Overall, the entire game feels too much like it's on rails and the character design blows.....
Tl;dr? Your mother wears army boots.