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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Yeah dude of course. I'd want to be a bull ant. Because it sounds cool.
  2. We know that Slappy. Just go with it lol
  3. Why the bad attitude?
  4. Like every good man you do anything for some breasts
  5. I could totally see that. You're the cat that would have maimed my pinkie if I tried to pet you.
  6. Steven seagull? Dayum!
  7. I was a walrus...a fat ass walrus
  8. I'd wanna be a robot with a really giant rod. That way all the bitches would be like "yo look at that robot with the giant rod."
  9. That is gross. I hate being human lol
  10. Hey bro I was trying to ease people in. But I would smash that prompt easily
  11. Dude you're so positive. I think you should throw the next one because I want to compete too!
  12. Well that's totally up to the judges. They're a pretty open minded group.
  13. I knew you had skeletons in your closet!
  14. They're really small hairs that are on the very tips of your eyelids.....like wtf
  15. Yeah I didn't do that on purpose lol I don't even know how
  16. See this thread posted twice for some reason. That's been happening to me lately and I feel like I should tell an admin about it
  17. YOU COULD WIN A CUSTOM RANK!!!! sorry.....you could win a custom rank 2500 words about anything you want! Doesn't even have to be appropriate! Send it to [email protected] and be sure your username isn't anywhere in the actual piece. It can be in the email just not the piece bro. Even if you don't win, all the judges will hug you, and you want that. Have a good day
  18. Really look at us....from IB until now we have found a way to just stick together. What the hell are we anyway? Like our group is so strange. Do you have any idea what normal people would do if they knew about us...guys we're a secret society! It really makes you wonder how many other secret societies are out there. But to hell with them. We're the best secret society As always, if you think I'm corny, the Wal-Mart parking lot is that way ----->
  19. 4 is the GOAT! Fuck the yellow turbans
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