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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Lol the door was the only thing that got pounded that night
  2. You can either worry about it all day or not give a fuck in 5 minutes. Choice is yours.
  3. 33 club yea. It's really shady. Like why tf is it so expensive that only the elite can go there? I'm not a tinfoil hat dude by any means but it just seems sketch. Not to mention they own everything. They own so much media. Their empire is worth trillions. Entities with that kind of money can make literally anything happen. Political lobbying, human trafficking, and making people dissapear. Not saying they do that, but they're more than capable. To be fair I don't trust any corporation, but Disney is at the top of the list because of what I know they could do if they really wanted to.
  4. Disney is illuminati af. I don't trust them and they're corny.
  5. I was very disappointed to hear that because I enjoy some of his stuff. The coolest people can be such asswipes. I'm with you i would have told him no
  6. Lol never offer that. Especially if a girl likes disney.
  7. See I would have said hell no.
  8. I read that literally nobody except Ronnie wanted to get in that plane but he was being a pushy dickhead
  9. I have this voice I use when old people tell me really drawn out stories about how much turnips used to cost after WW2 it's really convincing.
  10. I have to act happy and like I know people often. I swear I'm getting Alzheimer's in my 20s
  11. If they would have survived that plane crash. Fuckin plane crashes.
  12. That_One_Guy


    Dude for how old it is that's nothing. I was expecting at least 150k lol idk man it sounds like it should be fine. Is it a car or a truck?
  13. That_One_Guy


    How many miles?
  14. That_One_Guy


    Watch who you go to. People are always looking to milk you dry
  15. That_One_Guy


    Probably just a glitch. Lights go off on my dash all the time when nothing's wrong. Could also be a wiring issue I guess
  16. Things will get better, man. Just take it one day at a time.
  17. I'm ambidextrous. I practiced so much with my left I can use both. Tmidgaf
  18. My bad I meant that I do it WHILE watching a woman
  19. Hell yeah dude. But I do it to a woman so it's not gay.
  20. You know what the only thing worse than showering with a spawn of Satan is when they hog all the damn water and you're left freezing ass cold
  21. Good joke huh? My stuffed animals tell me I should do stand up.
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