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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Too lazy bro we've been over this
  2. Dont let that stop you. HEY! You can do anything you put your mind to.
  3. Ask around. Plenty of freaks out there.
  4. I wanna live to be old so I can get away with saying anything
  5. Hey I embrace it tho
  6. You deserve a metal
  7. I'd think you'd wanna go out with a pop
  8. I actually enjoy being alive rn. Which is very rare. I have no desire to die whatsoever. However if I did want to off myself I would prefer quick and painless
  9. That is so overrated. Dying sucks
  10. Dude life just starts getting good at 30
  11. I'll be fucking livid
  12. You'll be the best ever
  13. Same thing, m8
  14. Idk bro. Fucking magnets...........how do they work?
  15. Pls don't yell
  16. Nope
  17. It's more like apathy
  18. It's a lie. If you have secks you will get pregnant and YOU. WILL. DIE.
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