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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Aight cool also let me borrow your credit card for just a minute.
  2. So he's got a bomb ass personality?
  3. I want 50 dammit! Also do they have bone?
  4. Oh word shit while we're at it let me get 50 wings. Barbeque! BONE OUT!
  5. Nah I'm just real af And I love snickers
  6. Ay sometimes you gotta get locked up. Jail ain't shit.
  7. It's ok. That's what I get for trying to be hip
  8. I steal ALL the candy bars
  9. Oh aight that's cool. Just remember I don't pay for SHIT. You ever been to Wal-Mart with a real OG before?
  10. I don't pay for SHIT. You better have money cause I'm getting my drink on then I'm bouncing
  11. See I was just trying to use the slang the kids use
  12. This place is lit. Blog over.
  13. Nah bro it only takes me 5 minutes to beat my dick and not care anymore
  14. C'mon bro. Don't bullshit a bulshitter.
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