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InsaneFox last won the day on October 11 2019

InsaneFox had the most liked content!

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Elder (10/22)



  1. Happy Birthday ME and Odin.
  2. Thanks steffers. Happy Birthday fellow triplets!
  3. Don’t take your buttholes for granted everyone!
  4. Gonna need to see them present verifiable proof to the scientific community before I even begin to buy into the idea. There only thing the hearings confirm is that there is a conspiracy. Either there’s been a conspiracy and it’s being uncovered with these hearings. Or the hearings are the conspiracy. So… proof is gonna be required.
  5. Speaking of Power Creeps, that bullshit that Marjorie Taylor Green pulled was hilariously stupid. Hate er, hope she sees prison time, pretty sure she won’t.
  6. I just feel like they’ve released too many sets. And it’s all gimmick now. I know a lot of people liked their Lord of the Rings cards but I think MTG has basically run its course for me.
  7. Just never say it with a hard R. People will think you’re a bartender.
  8. I think they’ve been fucking up for awhile. Overproduction has tanked the value of a lot of their cards.
  9. Happy Birthday enjoy it since it may be your last.
  10. Oof that was a low blow, here I am trying to lose weight and you do me dirty like that. Plus I’m about to actually eat you, and that’s probably not gonna help my weight loss goals. Incredibly rude on both accounts.
  11. Don’t make me get the BBQ sauce.
  12. Popes > Royalty.
  13. I’m contractually obligated to intermittently post genuine advice whilst I shitpost.
  14. Me recovering after a hard day at the gym tryna be less fat.
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