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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. I don't think k he was mentioned at all. A lot of the commentary has been "we never hear of chuck or kim in BB so they obviously must die or have bad things happen to them before then"
  2. I don't remember him saying that
  3. So much going on you don't even realize Mike never made an appearance
  4. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    It turned out to be a problem authenticating the Pokemon trainer club account and I had to manually force stop and then update the game. Streaks were both lost.
  5. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I haven't been able to log in today. If you lose your streak after 6 days is life even worth it anymore?
  6. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    One type of Pokemon per gym, a 'decay' system to promote turnover/more effort to keep the money in the gym. The raid bosses look to be powerful pokemon, but not actually legendaries. But you get rewarded rare berries and TMs to change movesets. That will either be a good thing or will lead to one optimized moveset for every mon. I logged into the game and see at least three new gyms on the block towards where I park for work. Any ETA when they go live? Days, weeks?
  7. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I think so. Otherwise rip perfect scizor.
  8. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    My other thought is that maybe gyms should mirror the pokestop and first catch streaks - every day in the gym your daily prize increases, but after the seventh day your Pokemon gets kicked out and can't go straight back in. That way there is increased incentive to holding the gym but at the same time it forces gyms to cycle out so they don't stay locked down forever by those same seven blissey and three snorlaxes.
  9. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    They should make it so only one of a pokemon can be in a gym. Only one blissey, only one Dragonite, only one Snorlax, only one rhydon, etc.
  10. I still feel all sorts of bad for Irene, like more than for any character currently on the show
  11. As I understand he's swapped the real pills with ibuprofen placebos. I'd have to watch again more closely as far as how careful he was in swapping them out but I thought he put in as many as he took out. But the plan isn't to kill him with a poison pill (which would show up in an autopsy I think) but to prevent him from getting his daily dose of medicine. It won't kill him first pill but omitting his intake would do damage over the long term, building up until he drops dead, if it is a pill he needs to take to regulate heart or lung function etc.
  12. Personally I suspect JMC Admin[/member] secretly hoards gifs and the primary purpose of the forum and it's two-dozen subdivisions are so they can all be showcased. We are all just the unwitting test subjects caught in his sick gif fetish.
  13. I think he's more lucky that I activated his account once he got to the end of the maze because it was sandwiched between a whole bunch of spam accounts
  14. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I think it is like a critical hit or something in the real games where it gives you much higher odds of capture
  15. It's weird to me, I spent years here and had tons of internet people in the old cliques but if they aren't still here now or if I never incorporated them into my real like a la Facebook, I couldn't really tell you much about any of them on the spot other than that they were another name in the room. Do I really miss so-and-so or am I waxing nostalgic over a screenname with a human personality I don't really recall?
  16. joke's on you, I just moved a bunch of your old, dead food-related threads circa January 2017 from FFA to the Foods & Drinks folder because I'm drunk with power [and now they're on the front page again]
  17. no one can say I don't do anything
  18. We have to manually activate new accounts. You might log in to a batch of 8, recognize one, and the other 7 names share a similar template and all have emails ending in .ru
  19. she just registered here within the past week but hasn't logged in since her account was activated
  20. I haven't watched in years I flipped to [as] a couple weeks ago, Sealab was on and it was such a blast from the past that I can't even call my internal reaction "nostalgic"
  21. Maybe mochi's soulmate is... zeni?!
  22. So if I understand correctly, the upshot is that you get holiday pay for working a regular day and not the actual holiday?
  23. I think season two is on Netflix by now. I think it's roughly a year lag from air date to Netflix.
  24. Ok so the plotline is trending towards stroking from having his pills swapped with empties, so is that like both of us winning?
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