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Raptorpat last won the day on November 13 2024

Raptorpat had the most liked content!

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. I'm not sure? The font is showing up to me as default, quoted your post to make sure, and to the best of my ability that screencap looks default to me. The blue highlight just looks like it was manually highlighted? I'm confused.
  2. good luck we're all counting on you
  3. happy birthday @OwlChemist81 I hope it is owlright
  4. weird how they loathe Europe but only want white immigrants
  5. Are they the ones who forgave all the fraudulent PPP loans? Maybe we're in business!
  6. Trump announced student loan portfolio will be transferred to the Small Business Administration https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-announces-the-small-business-administration-will-handle-student-loans-235043909909
  7. happy birthday @UncomfortableGoatee and @thee2tonfist
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