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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Well, the positive thing we can get from this, though, is that the ratings didn't dip down into "Chiller Ani-Wednesdays" levels of fail.
  3. So does that mean Gohan's the Meg?
  4. March Comes In Like a Lion 7
  5. March Comes In Like a Lion #7 - Important Things. Important Matters. / Teach Me How to Play Shogi Additionally, I would also like to mention that I will be adding another series to cover in this thread starting this Saturday at the earliest. I can't say what it is yet - hell, I don't even know for sure what it's going to be - but I'm positive it'll be fun fun fun. ;D [til her daddy takes the t-bird away]
  6. I don't think he hates JoJo now, just the fact that it's bombing on Toonami. OPM is obviously one of his faves, for sure.
  7. IIRC, it had something to do with a party game.
  8. Samurai Jack Season 5, so Ranlsa, wherever she may be, can finally shut the hell up about it.
  9. I bet "realism" was just an excuse for them not to spend thousands of dollars on neon teal hair dye.
  10. While I can see why the microseries was better to some, I actually found it inferior to the full TV version. It was probably because the latter had slick CGI animation and more NINJA TUNE music, coupled with reasons relating to my multiversal headcanon of fictional anime ideas, but it was more likely the stronger orientation towards the kid audience, the occasional instance of sped-up animation, the utter lack of personality for Team Sledgemamma, and with the former that made me think that way.
  11. If you weren't dead to me before, you're dead to me now.
  12. [facepalm] I knew it, you're a fucking lost cause. :blank:
  13. Goddammit Mochi, Trump isn't gonna go all Hitler-Stalin on anybody. What makes you think his wanting to limit the amount of illegal Mexicans and terrorism-worshipping Muslims coming into the country has anything to do with wanting to eradicate the blacks and the gays?
  14. I was referring more to the spelling, not the fact that Bulma's family are all named after undergarments.
  15. I always read it as "Panti". Also you spelled underpants wrong. [it's like their parents wanted them to be strippers]
  16. Fair enough. Kuromukuro 6
  17. I thought it was alright. Not all that thrilled with the "I should've killed myself this year" posts, though.
  18. Their second "Oops!" segment to follow up skipping the post-credits sequence of Kill la Kill 12. I'd be down with that.
  19. No, Wulin Warriors is objectively the worst, you're just stupid.
  20. Hey, I used the strikethrough. Also, turns out it wasn't Demarco's fault. If you gotta blame someone, blame the supplier.
  21. Let it never be said that Jason Demarco isn't a total faggit idiot.
  22. Let it never be said that Jason Demarco isn't a total faggit. [add a delete post function plz]
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