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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Ain't that the truth.
  2. Guys at work were talking talking about going to the VFW to play poker and the electronic slots and I remembered my dad had said he wanted me to take him to Red Mile sometime. Now it feels like I have a void in my chest where my heart was. Life sucks sometimes. Tl;dr: Venting about dead dad.
  3. In which context?
  4. Not during sexy times, but a lot of the old guard call me Jack in conversation.
  5. I'm too fat to sit and pee. My thighs touch.
  6. To perv on you even more?
  7. What is yours gimme yours.
  8. They could go in a jar. Pickled dicks.
  9. That's what potato chip bags are made of, right? Like Lays, except it's sour cream and onion dicks.
  10. In my head it's either a burlap sack like for potatoes, or a foil bag like for potato chips.
  11. I'm a fan of telling people to eat a bag of dicks, because instead of fellatio it's cannibalism, and it makes it sound like these dicks have been severed from the body since there is more than one and they're in a bag.
  12. See, I read "devices" and I thought this was about the hentai series but it turns out that's call "Cool Devices."
  13. Why did Frog talk like that. No one else in 600 AD talked in Olde Englishe. He didn't even talk like that as Glenn. Just, he gets turned into a frog by Magus and starts saying "thou" and adds "-eth" and "-est" to the end of verbs. What the hell, Frog.
  14. 100% agree. Getting a beej feels AMAZING and I don't see how using fellatio works as a pejorative, because fellatio is amazing.
  15. Tell me it.
  16. Never played the game. I think I have more experience with Pretty Pretty Princess than Crossfire.
  17. Yes. It is delicious refrigerated garbage food.
  18. @Poof: after successfully staging a coup and overthrowing the government, one of her generals imprisoned her in an attempt to take her place. It will be a failed attempt and Poof will return to power in a few months.
  19. Yes, but it tastes AMAZING.
  20. This is a pizza donut.
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