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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  2. They have a fatal farting disease? By the gods... The five point palm exploding shart technique should never have been used
  3. Getting treated like an object makes you not give a shit about the place you work, why should you if they wouldn't have your back? Working somewhere where you aren't treated like a number or a commodity makes you actually care about your job and the place you work.
  4. Grocery store from europe. They have decent prices on a lot of things, but they don't have a huge variety. BUT they pay their employees well and actually seem to give a shit about them, unlike every other grocery store chain in the country, who would barely bother to learn the names of their cashiers, much less the people who worked for them for years
  5. Those are almost worse than throwing up, I've done that with soda and beer, I think I'd rather just spew.
  6. Even if i try to say it out loud, it fades, Im not sure if trying to convey it in text versus verbally is better or worse, but it seems like less and less frequently I have dreams I'm able to fully remember and explain. When I was younger it seems like it was easier to hold onto them
  7. They're German, they know how to listen for tunnels, better dig several as a decoy
  8. It's the ones that are just so weird and long and crazy, I feel compelled to share them, and then the minute I try to start explaining them, it all just ...fades away The fucking boring ones are easy to describe. The other day I dreamed that I made two sandwiches the night before work, so I wouldn't have to make them that morning and save myself a few minutes. And then I woke up and was disappointed because I knew I hadn't actually made the sandwiches. But the recurring ones with strange houses with lots of rooms full of random junk, the minute I try to describe the details beyond that, it disintegrates. Bullshit and shenanigans, I say.
  9. That's inconvenient for you, how do they expect you to get outside?
  10. Fiber internet, something something, more regular shitposting, poop jokes, etc
  11. the bird might have a penis. ...I think?
  12. well, hey, good for you then. I got regular fries with some kind of seasoning on them, I don't remember but it wasn't stand-out to me. I like 5 guys better if I'm gonna spend $10 on a burger meal
  13. http://smashburger.com/eat/menu/
  14. I think? Mostly toppings, cheeses, sauces, bun etc. I think they had chicken or maybe a veggie burger, I don't remember. I wouldn't go on my own if I wanted a burger, but if I had a coupon or if thats where people I was with wanted to go, I wouldn't NOT go, but there's better < $10 burger meals out there. I didn't like their fries, but the milkshakes were ok.
  15. I was unimpressed for the cost, but if you have coupons, then go for it. They have a lot of choices, but I found it wasn't anything special in my opinion.
  16. Ooh, that would be really good with gin, actually.
  17. this was civil and explanatory and not full of fire and brimstone like I expected from the sound of things. BORING. GOOD JOB PAT, IT'S BORING
  18. whats in it?
  19. the trucks didn't show yesterday for some reason, one is there today apparently, but who the fuck knows what happened to the other one
  20. whats a gin mule? Ive heard of some drink called a something mule but i forget whats in it.
  21. i never thought i'd have to whore myself out, but maybe today's the day
  22. what kind of gin was it? Some of them that I've tried were nice enough to sip on their own, others needed to be in something. And squeezy bottle gin is probably the worst thing I've ever drank, i imagine it's what rubbing alcohol would taste like.
  23. I work checking in inventory, can't check in anything if the trucks don't show up because of the snow, and they aren't gonna pay me to sit around playing with the cats. SNOW'S TRYIN TA TERK MUH JERR! BACK TO THE PILE, BOYS!
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