If you want me to point the blame honestly, fall sports, particularly college football, are the issue.
That's a consistent drain, past one time events like a Connor McGregor fight.
Realistically, there has never been a dramatic drop between Kai and the rest, just a drop. More often than not it's the shows starting slow and that's how the rest of the night is impacted.
There's also the obvious issue that they released a card that called the show embarrassing and begging people to watch stuff that wasn't as embarrassing.
$5 says if it gets off the ground the live action SAO airs on the CW. It'll be on right after one of the DC shows for maximum relationship drama bullshit.
Adult Swim made a card bashing Keijo!x8. They're not airing it.
Looking at the fall releases, erm...what do they air? Yuri on Ice is the gay version of Keijo...and sucks. IBO probably isn't getting a season 2 on Toonami.
...Never thought of it that way, mostly because I always thought said trolls were just trying to start shit for the lulz.
Lazzo has never been one to take stuff off for outside reasons. Squidbillies is a great example. When the public rejected it, he doubled down and pushed it harder.
Well it's that or Toonami airs Keijo.
Disclaimer - Toonami will not air Keijo. Ever. Seriously, why the hell would they air Keijo? If you're still reading this and still entertaining the idea of Toonami airing Keijo, it's obvious you've never seen Keijo.
Like YOU. Y-O-U.
I am...resigned to how that works. There's a 2006 documentary "The Great Happiness Space" about a club like this and its clientele and employees. It's...heavy.
Not sexual intimacy even. Just to have...someone.
And before any of you weebs make the "I'm available!" joke, remember most most of them are doing this to get away from people like you.
Kubo officially clarifies it was NOT being forced to end the series by executives.
He ended it for the sake of his own health, which was in serious decline apparently. https://twitter.com/tite_official