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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Show is going to be made fun of regardless. It's an easy one.
  2. Alright that's enough trolling.
  3. Limited time watching bites anyone willing to use the app in the ass yet again. Decided to watch episode 2 of Unicorn - LOLNOPE. Gone. 1, then 4. You want 2? YouTube has it subbed and Crunchyroll has it dubbed. And when you find them there, why bother with Toonami's glacial pacing? Once again AS app:
  4. You're overreacting. It's a bit of fun for everyone. Most don't care about OP and wouldn't watch anyway, and fans get to cringe laugh. Everyone wins.
  5. Franchise is already dead. Might as well have some fun.
  6. There's just a lot of hilarity to be had with pointing and laughing at 4Kids Piece.
  7. Nah, we gotta go all the way. Selected worst episodes of 4Kids Piece. Hammer guns. Edited into incoherence. Crocodile redubbed. All of it.
  8. "Majority of Americans." Yeah, because they don't watch what you watch. Most TV is only watched by a portion of the population anyway.
  9. Everyone thinks it's the 4Kids dub anyway. Might as well go all the way.
  10. I've gone off at length at how I despise the "everyone has taste cancer but me!" mentality. It reeks of elitism. As for the topic, other than Rick and Morty and the occasional Robot Chicken, what is there?
  11. Has it ever occurred to you that everyone else is right and you're wrong? Just saying.
  12. Zeni, in an On Demand world, anyone who wants anime on weeknights can watch it rather easily.
  13. At the end of the day we both want representation. Having a non-gangbanger Latino hero is one of those desires. I see no reason to insist on these caveats with characters that exist and have clearly identified desires. Not to mention at this point Marco is practically a harem anime protagonist, and that's about as rare as a unicorn with a racing stripe.
  14. That's true, but the problem IMO is that's there no other alternative. That you can't write Latinos without doing these things to them. That's where the issue lies for me.
  15. Guess that one was obscure enough to sip past, unlike Santana.
  16. I can barely name three Latino heroes, period! One fans want to be gay even though he's only attracted to women, and one fans want to be trans even though he's shown no issues with his masculinity, just trying to live up to it. And one fans just hate on because he isn't Peter Parker.
  17. I'm for anything that gets away from the BLAMBLAMWHEEWHEE of those godawful movies and towards more cerebral horror, even if a lot of the story beats are from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
  18. It's the problem when that's the ONLY type of Latino you get. Gangbanger, peasant, or a hero BUT he has to be gay. Or a hero BUT he has to be trans. It's bullshit.
  19. No, it's more that Latinos can't be heroes without having extra baggage bolted onto them.
  20. It does serve a bit, especially when there are so few of them, to de-legitimize them as heroes. Latinos are usually peasants doing lawns or criminals. There are very few traditionally heroic Latinos in that classic "Be one of the leads and get the girl" type. That's why Trans Marco is in a word, fucking infuriating. "Oh, he doesn't really want to be masculine, he just thinks he does!" Or maybe you just do because you want to ruin the character, so fuck off. It's obnoxious. You want to have a character be that hero, but no, he's gotta be a criminal, he's gotta have a boyfriend, he's gotta be trans, etc. Why? Why the fuck can't he be a hero?
  21. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-02-09/crunchyroll-announces-its-own-convention-after-surpassing-1-million-paid-subscribers/.111974 The future of media is streaming and for now, it seems anime and animation in general are surprisingly healthy growth sectors for it.
  22. No, I just hated that theory from Day 1, but part of that tends to be how protective I can be of the what...three non-stereotypical Latinos in animation (Marco, Lance, and the half Dominican Miles Morales. That's it.) Also I have NEVER heard Trans Marco ever being an actual possiblity. I know the creator of the show modeled the dialog between Star and Marco on her own husband and she confirmed that in an interview, but Jack Kirby did the same thing with Big Barda and Mr. Miracle in the New Gods comics. There is NO evidence of Trans Marco being anything but an insane and kinda insulting rumor.
  23. Trans Marco is dead?
  24. Exact same concept came out a few years ago in Crystal seasons. Hulu scores them regularly in the top programming, even outdoing heavy hitters like WWE. There is a very, VERY bizarre charm to the series and the characters to the point where there are actually thinkpieces on the subject. (JMan defending Sailor Moon. Crazy I know).
  25. Well Thrawn is in Rebels and therefore re-introduced to the canon, so who knows what's gonna happen with him.
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