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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. My mom has four grandchildren between two of my brothers, I think I'm off the hook.
  2. I identify with this way too much. At least I'm not alone, apparently.
  3. Happy birthday, guys! 🎂🎂
  4. Well first off, I'm not interested in killing any strippers or anyone else for that matter. I guess I would look in the local obituaries to see who recently died and go grave robbing.
  5. ....and rubber duckies and bowling pins?
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metronome
  7. Bumble is actually what I plan to go to first, I'm more wondering for hook-up apps in general. If Bumble is more about actual dating than hook-ups, all the better.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. The reason I ask is because I still live with my parents so if they'd rather come to my place..... that ain't gonna work as per my mom's practically puritanical beliefs about sex.
  10. Is that like a Colombian necktie?
  11. I can't tell if you're saying you don't get it, or if you're saying you get it but non-humorous memes are not welcome here.
  12. I didn't find this one to be particularly funny, but I do think it's clever:
  13. Hey, here's a question anyone's free to answer: On the whole, are Tinder girls more interested in boning at their place or your place?
  14. Every time I post a spoiler I feel the need to change each one to black since the default color is unreadable against the white background.
  15. Maybe I have, but I'm not sure...... Anyway, what do you call a short man with a long beard in the city who is always on time?
  16. I just applied to be part-time in the IT department at my current company.
  17. All I watch is CN/AS and Comedy Central, lol. I thought buddy, even though losing interest in AS long ago, still used it for background noise on a regular basis. Am I wrong here, buddy?
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