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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. Googlling find my phone used to work as the perfect solution for this.. I think it's still tracking another phone I got rid of or just not working anymore wich kind of sucks. edit. Works now.. /win now I can charge my phone.
  2. Yeah I don't live close enough to a pet store to buy the suggested meals for one..and I sure as hell am not hunting them down for it.. I've heard doing that can lead to a lot of nutritional issues, and death anyway.
  3. I love the scoring, but the suspense is killing me. Does he make it out alive?
  4. I'm debating whether to go inside Mt. Moon.. Not a euphemism unfortunately.. At least I had to use some actual strategy to beat Brock, and a "coach" trainer..
  5. I don't know those truth campaigns rarely ever seem to be presented truthfully, the last one I saw was trying to make vaping sound 4x as dangerous.. I went back to cigarettes before they started so I havent looked into them really.
  6. Publishers always fuck up if you ask me.. Not that I've ever been tenacious enough to screw with them in the first place.
  7. I'm honestly dreading work so much if I'm not careful it might keep me up. Business only picks up from this point as the year goes on.
  8. I really used to enjoy this song when I was younger. It's kind of lost it's appeal since.. I used to jam it chopped and screwed in my car..
  9. Nice. I don't know I'm about to try a gym battle on here.. but this game seems a little too watered down to be enjoyed by a kid let alone a full grown adult.
  10. I need a new 3DS. Mine got stolen quite a bit ago. I was having fun building competive teams for pokemon moon, but when bigger games/consoles come out I forget about pokemon completely. I bought let Let's go Evee for the switch to try and get back into pokemon but has been pretty boring so far. I shouldve tried the other one.. Think it's Poke Tournament DX?.. That ones actually supposed to be competitive.
  11. Have any of you linked with pokemon let's go for the switch? I'm playing through it and it gives you free pokeballs and berries that might be able to be used on Pokemon Go. I'm prepared for this game to be a quick play through for me at best, but from the looks of it there's a lot of hope for improvements and future games. I don't even have the app on my phone any more or know if I can get in my account atm. The game seems to have combined Pokemon Go mechanics with traditional ones pretty smoothly though.
  12. Guys guys this is not cool. I don't have a third alt. I didn't even know this one would work.. Shit get's too funny I better go.
  13. It's cutesy as f for sure. Evee rides on your head and random pokemon seem to jump out of their pokeballs..If anybody here actually still plays pokemon go let me know how the account link works. Maybe I can give it..another go if you can actually share items between accounts. I already have 55 pokeballs from just playing an hour, and plenty of berries. You get them from trainer battles in game so maybe no more visiting random shady places at night for some pokeballs?
  14. Tip for others because the double battle option should be something you have to turn on if you ask me.. but if both joy cons are on I guess it spawns another trainer to double battle with you, and use your pokemon. All you have to do is go into the options and change the battle style to "set" if you want to play solo. Maybe it'll actually be more fun playing solo.. I don't really like the pokemon go style catching system, but battles don't seem to be about size as much as pokemon go so maybe the slightly changed story, and enhanced graphics will keep me playing through it..
  15. I got let's go evee. It's ok I guess. I'm about to give it another go. I wasn't far from bed when I turned it on last night. The two player option for double battles is nifty. My girlfriend got to play some pokemans after I figured out the random girl trainer that kept spawning around me was controllable. I still need to get through Viridian forest. I'm not a big fan of pokemon go so I am really kind of wondering if this is gonna be worth the buy. It looks like the pokmeon go mechanics are more or less just for if you want to link your pokemon go account though.
  16. Maybe.
  17. Uhh smoke pot and play video games?
  18. cool grats on the win..well for your team anyway.
  19. It turned out pretty lit. https://professahtex.bandcamp.com/
  20. I just finished my bandcamp page and put it in my sig this a test.
  21. oh hot not hawt ok.. I think I get it now.. >
  22. Kidney I think? Dunno ask Athena about an engagement. I don't know either of them enough to know if it's really a thing.
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