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Everything posted by Professah Tex
So dorky that I know what that first thing even is.
Stilgar wants this shit bad..
nevermind. Go forth and conquer.
I'm so fucking proud of you boy!
I used to think paranormal investigations would be fun just for the travel, and history to be learned.. Then Ghost Adventures turned it into a soap opera, and I decided it probably wasn't for me.
He means he's like a hive mind board intelligence.. Sadly this is how the accumulation of all our thoughts sound as one entity.
It couldn't be a tree could it??
I wouldn't be surprised if I've watched all of them.
Eh still a good day.. No more snorting trailer dust, but I had to talk about it since I found a bunch of articles calling them trash employers anyway for doing the same thing they did to me to just about everybody else.
I just feel sorry for most of the people there that were like.. If I had the money I'd be done with this place right now wtf is wrong with you..
Drunken regrets... Remember my..' mental break down. If Rogue really thinks I was attacking him when I did any of that shit.. Fuck buddy aside, because her attempts at girlish comedy got taken WAY out of hand.. Idk I shouldn't be here right now. I know.. I'm just used to being a voice of reason for people, and when I took this last job I knew it was gonna screw me up so whatever. Little regerts.. but back to step one. Still makes someone like me feel fucked up as shit because I tried my best to follow the rules.. at the job.. I think I honestly meant to quit this one before I got fired, but then cuircumstances got changed.. Fucking company might be the root of all evil, but who am I to cast blame. I took that money like a dirty whore, and still bad mouthed it much of the way..
I know.. I jfigured out just last week that that guy waiting for his marijuana job to call him back used to be SR or whatever they call it in the navy.. He had the gull.. Which I understand coming from his point of view.. I would never try to fuck with the fools in charge of my paperwork while I was in without provocation.. He told me some douchebag came in threatening him and calling him a piece of shit, and he burried the guys paperwork on a golf course somewhere. That's also why I'm not gonna go to mcdonalds and call the employees a piece of shit just because they can;t give me what I want by the way.
I honestly could never do that.. Even though for this company the..ladies sound like they walk right down the alley you speak of.
Yeah I'm still calling HR before I move on though, because that's what the B's are supposed to be for.
This guys a boss though. I would rather find another job than call HIM out honestly.. He knows the company is full of shit like literally everyone else does.
The same manager that got me walked out once tried to write me up for some broken glass left out side of the lane I was on when I didn't even fucking do it. I really don't want to even fight for my job back that shit is not worth the hypocrisy.. AT ALL.
Jeeze I've already updated my resume, and found a part time job maybe fuck this shit. I want to let them have it in more open setting than even this now just retroflecting..
Every day the designated safety guy I once saw hit a case without looking and fly off his lift has to preach about the injuries that happened, and how they could have easily been avoided... but understanding fucking me just said.. You alright man.. I tried to warn you! I didn't see nothin'
Shit is definitely not classy.. https://soundcloud.com/jdubbalub/classy
Even my stepdad was like wtf factories are supposed to handle this the opposite way.
I gotta call HR tomorrow, and say my peace.. It's just I wouldn't have to if the damn lift drivers weren't always like sorry.. this is new for me to bro.. and I didn't want to drive the lifts after having managers pin the blame on me for shit that's out of a physical loaders control.. The fucking second day I was there I accidentally brush my finger against a warped metal trailer edge and bled out a little bit.. I tried to go somewhere for a bandaid so I wouldn't bleed on the frieght, and got my ass written up before I even knew that was possible.. Because "If you can't work safe you can;t work here at all" That literally translates to.. "We arent paying your medical bills for our cheapness." Uggh. I can't diss employers it's not my style dammit..
Flame me all you want for working for them, at one point I swore never to do it, but the damn warehouse is just like 5 minutes away from me.. It made the commute practically nonexsistent..
You already got in the ball park.. I didn't think it'd be too hard of a guess anyway. That's why I didn't really WANT to say anything, but the corporate on this shit is rich.. no pun intended.
How would I sell Pokemon Go? Pokemon LEt's Go Evee.
I got fired today, but where I worked especially the department that's the general feeling everybody has anyway from what they told me. I'm always prepared for a rainy day though don't worry.. Plus A bunch a new guys on lifts probably really did make me look bad... I had to stop my job fucking multiple times to help them sort shit out. I WILL not miss the place, and I shouldn't have to feel that way honestly I've been in harder grinds.. This company// I knew better, and still took their fucking money so.. whatevs. No further comments on the company from me at this point.