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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. I stand corrected. Doubt I'll even play 12 of them if I'm lucky.. Maybe that's where I got that number from. Either that or my dislexia is flarring up agian.
  2. Just around 80 or 90 bucks. 12 games, the console/controller That unreleased starfox 2 is really the only thing sealing the deal for me..
  3. and that is why I do NOT need a bar, liquor cabinet, or large supply of alcohol in my fridge..
  4. Professah Tex

    O ok

    Righteo then.
  5. [youtube autoplay=1]
  6. NO NO!
  7. The only lil ducky song I've really enjoyed was the skit with Snoop.
  8. fuck it sucks I missed the preorder at fucking gamestop, and I might have to camp out at gamestop the entire day before to make sure I get one.. I;ve never done that for anything in my life so, we'll just have to wait and see if I get one.
  9. inorite. I'm sure if a good cold front comes along and drops shit 40 degrees it's gonna catch me off gaurd, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to that >_>
  10. I'll probably be working for atleast 8-10 hours tommorow, and I have to...well I should, and I guess I will be at the office around 0730 tommorow to turn in the equipment I;ve collected. -_'
  11. Oh shit you just reminded me I'm still on the clock. ::spin::
  12. None of the movies have ever went into this stuff in detail. It kind of sucks. Mainly because the sith were just originally concieved as monstrous villians when it all started I guess... I'm honeslty not nerdy enough to know this off the top of my head, but I've looked into it. There are serveral sith lords that have made the switch from sith to jedi, and visa versa because the jedi always look at people that havent completely lost themselves as possibly being "saved" so in battle the "jedi way" is to try to have a logic battle with them instead of just cutting them down..Alot of this is supposedly accepted as cannon to I think. Maybe look up Darth Gravis, Darth Malak..I'm trying to think of a good example because if it's something that's not in the movies or part of SWTOR I haveno Idea really. Theres tons of articles and videos made by people with far more time on their hands then me I guess. Here's a clickbait looking article that might actually be helpful. (there's too much shit like this out there tldr;) I would however like to a see a movie from the sith perspective getting into the rule of two and all that good stuff.
  13. but the heat combined with the stewing humidity made it enough. Plus there were two good thunderstorms over the weekened that meaning I had to do a little bit of muddin'/mudslinging when I come out of the alley so. Screw that shit I'm already back home.
  14. This is why being nuetral or balanced in the force is thought to be the crux of power. You can not only utitlize the destructive power of the darkside, but the healing powers of the light. The trick to this is it's incredibly easy to become unbalanced, and if you come to favor the darkside too much it's over for you. Kind of like a walking black hole. Qui-Gon Jinn. Obiwans master who took annakin along with him and trained him anyway despite being ordered not to by both Mace Windu and Yoda is supposed to be an example of a Grey Jedi.
  15. Define 'hammy' I don't like the fact someone put the Gorillaz next to a bunch of radio ear cancer, Clint Eastwood is very played out at this point though.
  16. [youtube autoplay=1]
  17. If I had photoshop I would so make viper on a sniper happen.
  18. deep breaths, tai chi in shit...
  19. Stewie on the buoy.. very nice.
  20. That sounds pretty sad.
  21. If you look into the back story of Mace Windu he was supposedly adept at at a fighting style/state of mind known as Vaapad that would allow him to channel his anger into the fight. I don't think he really 'fell' to the darkside like a lot of people say he did during the fight with Sidious, but more to the point I believe Vaapad gave him a definite edge over other Jedi, but it probably did come with draw backs. I think if the rest of the Jedi order wasn't completely opposed to the idea of the darkside at that point they wouldn't have been so blind to the sith's plot. When the order was first created there were practitioners of both sides who fought for peace. Using the darkside just became taboo after the council saw so many darksiders completely loose them -selves to it...Because practitioners of the darkside embrace emotions like fear, and anger, and passion to drive their battles, and the wave of power that gives them is far harder to control then the 'light side'.
  22. Shut up I havent slept yet so it's still Sunday for me.
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