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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. Kangaroo.
  2. What are we talking about here?
  3. Well said. :it:
  4. I'm diggin' the new name G. Reminds me of Snoop Lion for some reason.
  5. You don't say. :cat/
  6. Yeah I've heard a lot of people didn't like the first one to much. I thought it was ok, but it's the only dragonball game I've ever played through..that and Xenoverse 2. I remember playing one of the budokai games with a friend, and the graphic style and the way it was set up did seem a lot better than xenoverse of memory serves..
  7. I'm enjoying the undubbed version of DB Super a lot actually. I also enjoy the Xenoverse games as well. If that makes me an unreasonable person so be it.
  8. I don't wanna. :robot(
  9. I used to really enjoy the saturday anime block on AS.. It just got so stale over time. I don' have cable anymore. What is adultswim doing in the way of anime these days? I know they're airing the english dub of Dragonball Super that I'll probably check out at some point.
  10. It might be in a few minutes.. I hope theres no painful after effects. I already put up the salsa because I can see myself easiily over doing that
  11. Nothing like spicy jalepeno flavored fritos dipped in ghost pepper salsa to give you that kickstart you need after a day of drinking. |:: :painfap:
  12. Eh.. well by the title and the script the video is I'm almost sure it's Russian.
  13. Did you just post some Russian pop? Pretty sure that's Russian and it sounds like every pop song ever made even though I don't understand the language so..idk, but props it's always interesting to listen to another countries music and try to understand what's going on.
  14. Rules. no rickrolls no darude sandstorm no hatsune miku you know what..no anime theme songs unless made by the pillows. no pink guy no feminist war cries no IcecoolJJfish..whatever the fuck that guys name is with the song that went viral for it's head exploding cringe. Shit lets just jam out man.. gonna go gett a lil bit more brew before the cut off. cheers.
  15. Shoulda got a bigger one.
  16. No spoilers fool.
  17. Pretty sure it's the complete opposite of that, but cheers..
  18. lol I'm not even sure if I know what you mean by that, but ok.
  19. DRUNK AS FUCK! I hate that I enjoy drinking as much as I do.. S:
  20. Right.. I've been looking at the situation from the wrong perspective..
  21. I'm not mad Fuggs. Just don't ever try to give me a history lesson.
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