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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. It's currently -29'F here and I took the garbage out in my pjs. Pussy.
  2. Just in case this info is needed at some point, got weirdness too starting yesterday and I'm on a desktop with Edge. Thought my computer had got herpes from something at first.
  3. HA! Shitler has NO crowds now. Just the same clump of people that he couldn't stand before and has little use for now as a lameduck. I do have to wonder if they have interns working 'really hard' to do a random scribble on those commemorative tickets with a sharpie marker to make people think they got an autograph at least or if they are having Drumpf actually do that as busy work to keep him from throwing more ketchup.
  4. *sigh. The concept of the 'Great Reset' is merely a collection of ideas regarding how to build things up better than they have been based on learning from the failures of major things during major events like what happened during the 2020 pandemic. In other words, a chance to reset everything and start better. Since one of those things includes a wealth tax [ actually taxing and enforcing said tax of the obscene wealth of some people which can then be used as a funding for better things for everyone ] as well as the vagueness of other potential actions to consider, conspiracy theories have been allowed and encouraged to thrive making it seem like the ultimate evil when in all honesty, it's LITERALLY learning from your past mistakes.
  5. Just a reminder for when he starts up on the very biggly numbers, the Rotunda only holds a maximum of 20,000 people. End of story. He will not have the 'crowds bigger than the world has ever seen ever' no matter what because no one is going to stand outside around some big screen and tv numbers don't count for crowd sizing.
  6. That gives me an idea - give me enough money and I WON'T pose by one of those dumpsters wearing that dress.
  7. I want it to get absolutely ND there on that day. I want a full ground blizzard to rip through there just as his fat ass is taking the oath. And I would absolutely LOVE for there to be thunder snow so loud he very obviously shits himself on stage.
  8. His only considered 'failure' was the 1984 version of 'Dune' and even that has it's appeal with certain people. RIP.
  9. Why is Katy Perry dressed as a dude dressed as a flat-chested Jessica Rabbit standing by a dumpster?
  10. Yeah. People who want an advanced education in order to do something that requires that sort of thing are the villains but not the rich who mysteriously manage to avoid both paying taxes and going to jail for not paying taxes.
  11. I'm glad someone enjoys my boredom. Wait until you find the one of Bob Dole hunting wooly mammoths. Yes. Because if you are there 'every' Saturday and it's always busy, you only have general proof of it being busy on Saturdays, But you are forgetting that little kids would be out of school and looking for books for book reports while older students would be looking for research materials, retired adults might be looking for something new to explore and younger adults might be availing themselves to job assistance. The same general thought could be applied to any other day of the week - if you are only there on one very specific day every time, you only have proof of it being busy on that particular day of the week and nothing else. And time of day also applies.
  12. Since flags flown at half-mast for a presidential death hurt his fee-fees so much, I guess no one will have to worry about doing that for him when he chokes on a fry. We could bring back a classic though - the woodchipper from the movie 'Fargo'.
  13. Day two of a seven-day-straight work week complete. Just two more days of only 11 hour shifts and three days of only 9 hour shifts and I can finally sleep in on Saturday. I hate inventory.
  14. You mean like how his daddy married his step-sister? Because that one ain't a rumor. >.< He was her father since she was 4 years old and they have two kids.
  15. You apparently do not know what's on those hills because you haven't seen them through Google Earth with the eyes of a 'retired' casino janitor from New Jersey.
  16. Silly rabbit, the 'democratic media' is fine with same-sex marriages.
  17. Just found out today that the daughter of the co-manager has had to evacuate twice in less than 3 days. First she had to run from her house to a friends that was supposed to be in a safe area, then they had to run from the friend's place. The only good thing out of all this so far is that her friend is out of state right now so when the daughter and her roommate had to evacuate from the 'safe' place, they were able to rescue the friend's cats and take them all with to a hotel in Anaheim. At least her friend only has to worry about her stuff but not her furbabies.
  18. Strength, duration, direction, starting too early or too late for an expected season, dry when it's supposed to be wet and vice versa. It's only 'nothing new' if you listen to people on the radio who turn into screaming puddles of goo if they see a rainbow sticker.
  19. 5 miles. Embers have a rough range of 5 miles and they travel by....wind. Which is a climate thing.
  20. It's a Google Earth satellite photo. Even my color-blind ass can read it and that's saying a lot. Some b*tch in that pic has a damn home pool.
  21. Dude, you just proved that you can't read a map when it's posted in full color in front of you.
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