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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. A nitrous bottle about the size of a Bic lighter can be used to get high. So, you're talking about the huge ones that raise compression in an engine?
  2. We had one who didn't know what "man hours" are or how to calculate them for projects. When they had paperwork to do, they threw everything at the secretaries... and the secretaries ended up making the business decisions. It's crazy. HR has mountains of applications and resumes for supervisory positions and they'll hire anybody who fits the profile without looking at education or experience. I was offered the job twice because I get the work done consistently, correctly and on schedule. They think I can convince others to do the same. Fact is, I can't make a worker out of somebody who thinks a job is just another place to "hang".
  3. Gimme the beef, goys and freeze my toad... I wanna get tossed in the rocky road and thrifty ways...
  4. So, how is any of it theft?
  5. Almost every major hotel has a similar policy, should you care to actually read the agreement before signing to register. And yes, the policy has been passed through and approved by the hotel's legal department.
  6. Nitrus? Whippet master?
  7. Mine was seven years ago and became the principal reason I'm not drinking now and never will again. Alcohol can become an evil potion. Talk about Mr. Hyde...
  8. It works for me. Every time I put a picture there, it stays there until I delete it.
  9. You're still on that stupid shit about the abandoned articles? Articles left unclaimed longer than ninety days will become the property of the hotel and will be sold, given away or discarded at the management's discretion. In my case, given away. No theft.
  10. I'm sure transit employees and postal employees want another excuse not to work.
  11. That's part of why I don't want to be a supervisor.
  12. So... now web sites go into and out of fashion as fast as clothes do and there's gotta be something wrong with a guy who uses old ones? What a topsy turvy world you live in. When something works, why mess with it?
  13. Let that be a difference between your company and mine. Our shift supervisors are flat salaried.
  14. Been offered the job twice and turned it down. Too many hours and not nearly enough money.
  15. In my department, supervisors are hired from the same pool as the janitors and don't even need high school diplomas.
  16. What makes you think that the cup is stolen? The cups are behind the counter, they are not returnable and you don't get one until it's paid for.
  17. That doesn't look any different from the way Johnny Rockets presents a burger. Except maybe the process cheese being in the wrong place.
  18. Get some onion rings. i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i364/Absecon/20170707_152045.jpg~original
  19. Or was it Bob's Burgers? http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i364/Absecon/20170707_152045.jpg~original
  20. You have to be in the right place to see it. www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&ei=cVVgWeqkGcOXmwGu55fwCw&q=solar+eclipse+August+2017&oq=solar+eclipse+August+2017&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.12..0i131i70k1j0l4.235.25558.0.28260.
  21. It's supposed to be a little burnt on the ouside. The carbon gives it more flavor.
  22. I really need to update my food pictures.
  23. Boil Italian sausage? Tisk tisk... I cook mine in the broiler.
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