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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. The paint is going to get done whether I pay for it or the landlady does. What makes the difference to me is the scheduling. If I pay, I get to pick the schedule. I like that convenience and it's worth my money.
  2. So, pour them each into identical cups.
  3. Humidy makes paint peel and curl. Cooking on a stove without a range hood makes paint turn brown.
  4. Hold a 50ml bottle of Jack Daniels in your left hand and a 500ml in your right. You can't tell which is heavier?
  5. You can't compare weights by holding them?
  6. Six times the meat by weight than what Panera serves, plus enough authentic provolone to make the crust a little soggy.
  7. Well, you're not avoiding it that easy.
  8. That's funny... I see a mouse using a leaf blower.
  9. Oh... thank you for pointing that out. I had thought that the Mona Lisa was about uploading a picture directly to this forum. But if links work there, I'll just use it from now on.
  10. Because I don't know how to embed. It was a lot easier on AS.
  11. What year is Rachel Platten from?
  12. No excessive signage there?
  13. rs1090.pbsrc.com/albums/i364/Absecon/Street%20Scene.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip
  14. It's turning, but not consistent and steady. The speed varies and can't be controlled.
  15. You need a consistent and steady turn of the rotor before the induction current can be put to practical use. Windmills don't provide that and have to be backed up by generators powered by fuel consuming engines, which can be controlled.
  16. What makes any of it stupid? I want the painter to be here after 10 am because I work nights.
  17. You can't rush it. Everybody has to stand and wait his/her turn. Traversing the metaverse unprepared can be a real nightmare.
  18. Oh, goody... I always wanted to live in the Roaring Twenties.
  19. Back on swing shift, same employer.
  20. It's better than you not being able to even figure out how and why it works. Otherwise, you'd know why windmills aren't really an answer to global warming.
  21. Seriously... Day shift doesn't work out at all for nocturnal people.
  22. Yeah... I could get slammed by a drunk driver who overshot the curb and went on the sidewalk. But then again, that would only put me in another part of the metaverse. Nobody dies, they just change form.
  23. Brushless generators are already in use and have been for quite some time. I didn't invent it, I just studied the basic principles of it and made a functioning model. Can you do that or would you be stuck someplace, trying to find the parts for it?
  24. This is about certain claims being made over CNN and certain other networks. Somebody getting married isn't even on their radar.
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